Welcome to the Adams County Civic Prayer Team. We look forward to praying together on a regular basis. This group is here to pray for the people and needs of Adams County, to share announcements, upcoming local events, spiritual insight, prayer points and answered prayers. Currently, the meeting is held on person and via zoom. There will be no one on the conference call.
Your Prayer Leader is Kyla Stopperan.
Prayer Schedule: 3rd Mondays @ 12:00pm
In Person at: Reunion Coffee House - 10601 Reunion Pkwy, Commerce City
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88228076347?pwd=NXZDVDhGSVVROTNLK1Z0Y0NhUVhkZz09
Conference Call#: (605) 313-5883 Access Code: 3358305