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Arapahoe Civic Prayer Team

Public·23 members

Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago
Patricia Ann Prioleau-Santiago

Cover the County: 2/17/2022 Arapahoe

James 5:13-16, reminds us that the prayers of the righteous availith much.

So this day Father, we pray that you hear our prayers from on high in your dwelling place. We thank you that you hear us and want to use us as your hands, feet and mouth pieces on this earth. We give you all the glory and all the praise in advance in Jesus name, Amen.

Opened with: Isaiah 58:3-5;

“...Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as please...Your fasting ends in quarreling and cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high....Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD?”

• Prayed that county wide, our elected, and appointed officials would search themselves and make decisions in line with what is right in God’s sight; prayed that the citizenry would be upheld, cared for and encouraged; prayed that when policies are being forged that “people” the meeting of a need or service would be in the forefront of their minds as decisions are being made; so as to foster an atmosphere of unity and collaboration.

• With Elections coming up; prayed peace and trust; Proverbs 3:5-6.

• Intercessor prayed: that the whole of the citizenry, from newborns to the aged; that the promises of God through his names be claimed county wide. Jehovah-Rapha: Divine Healer.

Jehovah-Shammah: Ever-Present God.

Ezekiel 48:35. (The God who does not abandon his people.)

Jehovah-Gireh; Genesis 22:14; Divine Provider.

Jehovah-Shaloam; Judges 6:24; The LORD is peace.

Closed with: Jude 24 & 25.

• “To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. 🙏

Phil 1:6


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Welcome to the Arapahoe County Civic Prayer Team which is an...


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