We have won the battle, but the war isn't over. Let's continue to pray for Colorado, specifically Eagle county leaders. Psalm 94 is a great place to begin. Colorado was one if possibly the only State that pulled left. However, we will not be discouraged or dismayed.
Jeremiah 11 tells us there will come a time when we will pray for these people, the wicked leaders, and He will not hear.
Also keep in mind we are still very much in a battle for fair and honest elections in our State. Jena must be held accountable; and Tina must receive true justice.
Lastly, please feel free to invite others to this platform. Maybe we can begin uniting by praying together. And feel free to post prayer requests, that come to you literally or via your heart, for Eagle County and its leaders: pastors, commissioners, school board, principals, teachers, GOP committee, etc., etc.
Amen, Pamela!!!!