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Elbert Civic Prayer Team

Public·23 members

Good afternoon! This is your friendly reminder of tomorrow morning's Cover the County Prayer Call for Elbert County!

Please call in at 7 am or as close as you can to that, at the following number:

Date: 3rd Thursday 7am - 8am

Conference Call Info:

(425) 436-6315

Access Code: 5531736

We will pray for:

  1. Our Commissioners

  2. Our Sheriff

  3. Our other state and local officials

  4. Our schools, to finish the year strong

  5. For God to lead his chosen people to run for Elizabeth School Board

  6. For the efforts of Protect Colorado, Stand Up Colorado and other active groups in Elbert County

  7. For our Elbert County churches to be strong in lifting up prayer, bringing about revival!

  8. For the May 6 National Day of Prayer

Talk to you tomorrow morning! Take care! Mary Powell

Call Details

Elbert County - Civic Prayer Team hosts a monthly prayer cal...