Good morning everyone!
Tomorrow morning, THURSDAY October 20 is our monthly Elbert County Prayer Call! Please dial in as shown below at 7 am to join with others, lifting up the needs of our county to the Lord together!
Prayer Call Info
Date: 3rd Thursday 7am - 7:45 am
Conference Call Info:
(425) 436-6315
Access Code: 5531736
Psalm 47:33-12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance.
Lord, we thank you that you grafted the Gentile nations into your covenant with Abraham for those who repent and trust in You Jesus! Thank you for the form of government you have helped us to create and the freedoms we have through the US and State Constitutions. However, Lord, we lift these up to You, along with all other aspects of life in Elbert County, asking for your blessing and your directions when things get off track.
PLEASE JOIN US TOMORROW MORNING (THURSDAY) at 7 am to magnify the Lord and to hold up our life in Elbert County for His direction and blessing.
Have a great day!
Mary Powell