Good morning!
This is your friendly reminder and INVITATION to join others TOMORROW MORNING, Thursday July 15 at 7 am, to hold up the needs of Elbert County, especially in prayer! We are blessed to live where we do - but to keep it that way, we need to keep it lifted up in prayer! "See" you tomorrow morning! Please invite others you know who live or work in Elbert County!
Prayer Call Info
Date: 3rd Thursday 7am - 8am (this month, July 15. While you are at it, put August 19 in your calendar, too, for the August call!)
Conference Call Info:
(425) 436-6315
Access Code: 5531736
Below is our prayer agenda for tomorrow's call, as I know it right now:
1. PRAISE the Colorado Supreme Court overturned the PAUSE Ballot measure that would have eliminated common animal husbandry practices and been disruptive to veterinary training and be harmful to care of pets. This is very beneficial to Elbert County and other rural counties with animal industry. Overturned since the measure violated law by introducing multiple changes under a single title. Pray that our state legislature does not split it up to circumvent this ruling.
2. Pray for Gov Polis, and for our entire Colorado General Assembly, for the strength and clarity of mind to do what is according to the Colorado Constitution and what is best for ALL Colorado citizens, and not according to political power or population density, keeping rural Colorado protected as well as large cities.
3. Praise that our Commissioners for Elbert County have issued the following proclamations:
a. Commissioners passed a Proclamation: “Recognizing our Nation’s Independence And Safeguarding Citizen’s Rights”
b. “Reaffirming Our Commitment To Our Citizens”
4. Sheriff Tim Norton –PRAISE for 2 new deputies that have been sworn in earlier this month, in answer to our prayers! We pray for their protection and that of ALL Elbert County Sheriffs/deputies/posse. We pray also for all first responders, fire department, EMTs, etc., for their safety, protection, and that through their work, they will be a witness of Your love to all they meet and deal with. We pray for wisdom for all. Give them encouragement, and help them to feel supported by our community.
5. For all local police departments and first responders in Elizabeth and elsewhere, that they will be protected, safe and able to perform their duties with wisdom and skill.
6. Lord, also be with all audits going on throughout the nation. Hold off resistance, let the TRUTH be sought and found, and let America have faith in its elections again! AMEN!
7. Elizabeth School District – that godly board member candidates will step forward and be voted in in November, and that the board will remain strong in keeping ungodly and unconstitutional teaching curricula and practices out of our schools.
8. For Kiowa school district – for their new superintendent and new principal. Pray for refreshed new spirit, and pray for the culture of the school district, so it thrives and grows.
9. Pray for all Elbert County school districts as they hire new teachers and staff and prepare for the upcoming school year. Pray they all listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in decisions to be made, so that our students will learn truth, will grow and thrive.
10. Pray for our State and National representatives also for wisdom and clarity and boldness as they represent our interests:
a. Senators John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennett. Pray for the especially as there is very concerning legislation hitting their agendas for votes soon.
b. Congressman Ken Buck, that he continues to vote for conservative values in the House of Representatives. Pray for his re-election campaign for 2022.
c. Governor Jared Polis
d. Colorado State Senator Jerry Sonnenberg
e. Colorado Representative Richard Holtorf –
g. Colorado Attorney General Phil Weisner
h. Kristi Burton Brown, as our Colorado GOP Chairperson
i. For ALL OTHER Federal and State representatives, regardless of whether they represent our district or not, that they will all be led by the Holy Spirit in their votes and will vote in favor of biblical values and constitutional rights for US citizens.
9. For our Elbert County churches to be strong and persistent in lifting up prayer and in bringing about revival! AND REFORMATION. Let the spirit of independence be lessened, and the spirit of cooperation and togetherness grow!
10. FOR ELBERT COUNTY FAMILIES! For the protection of Psalm 91 over all of our families. Pray for return to Biblical family – for strengthening in faith, in yearning for You, Lord, and for protection.
11. That Elbert County will be a LIGHT to Colorado and to all the nation!
Yes and amen to this powerful set of prayer points!