Alternative pregnancy canters Denver
Prayer Requests
Please pray for a former sex worker who left the industry at the request of her boyfriend. She is now pregnant with his baby and he is pressuring her into an abortion and shaming her for her past. She has a new job but is barely making ends meet. She is committed to raising her baby and knows she will be a single parent. She is considering a return to sex work where she can make better money to provide for her child.
Please pray for a client in Counseling After Abortion.She is stuck in a cycle of crisis due to additional deep trauma that she is having trouble addressing due to a lack of support and access to resources.
Pray for several clients who are undecided in their pregnancy decision. They are basing their decisions on how far along they are in their pregnancy. Please pray that as they think through this life-changing decision their hearts will see life beyond the gestational age.
Please pray for a client who is receiving counseling services. She is processing decades of trauma to work towards healing and attempting to establish healthy relationships and boundaries for the first time.
Please pray for a patient receiving STD Testing & Treatment services who received a difficult diagnosis this week. This client has experienced lots of trauma in her life which is contributing to risky behavior. Pray for the healing of her soul.
Pray for a patient has received an in-utero diagnosis that is causing her to consider abortion. This client was already feeling overwhelmed at the thought of being a single mother and is feeling more so as she contemplates being a single mother to a special-needs child. Pray she can connect to parents who have raised a child with this condition and who can speak hope and courage to her.
Please pray for qualified people to apply for our Teacher & Community Connector position with A Promising Future. We are looking for two part-time bilingual (English and Spanish) persons, or one full-time person. Pray that people who love teens and understand the importance of prevention education will apply.
Pray for wisdom for the A Promising Future team as we edit the curriculum we have developed for middle school students.
Please pray for the Lord to bring new volunteers for our Helpline and Momma Mentoring positions and for a Spanish speaker to interpret in our Aurora office.
Pray that those who attend our upcoming open house will be encouraged and inspired by the holistic care provided at Alternatives.
Please pray for the Lord to lead and bring great, qualified, people to apply for the many positions we have open. Pray for wisdom and discernment as we meet candidates.
Praise God that we have hired a wonderful new staff person in communications to start at the beginning of July!