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FOH Weekly Prayer for Colorado

Public·45 members

Colorado Weekly Prayer Call Oct 12, 2020

Mondays @ 9:15am

712-770-5021, Access Code: 369691#

Focus: Governmental integrity, church leadership (2 bishops passed this weekend - Bishop Porter and Bishop Frey)


· The lovingkindness, mercy and grace and fathomless and free to all in Colorado.

· We lift up the Ancient of Days…..we rules and reigns over Colorado

· We declare that Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings over Colorado.

· We declare that our God is high and lifted up as Integrity itself over Colorado.

· We praise You Lord for those who are stepping into leadership across Colorado with much integrity

· We worship You Lord God above all

· Ps 57: 9-11 Where ever I go I will praise You Lord God because Your love is reaching to the heavens

· I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. 10 For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. 11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.

· We exalt You Lord God above all…we give you all the praise, glory and honor.

· We declare You alone are God ….there is no other

· We give You praise Lord God that we are in Your hands across Colorado.

· We declare that more of the body of Christ now worships and gives God all the glory every moment of every day.

· We praise You Lord that You are the origin of government

· We praise You Lord God for the unity that is coming forth in Colorado communities including Montrose, The River Valley and Boulder.


· Forgive us Lord for trust in our government (civil and religious) more than in You Lord God. For trusting man more than trusting You Lord.

· Forgive us Lord for trusting man more than You Lord God

· Forgive us going to church because of a man/leader instead of desiring to be with You Lord.

· Thank You for removing the pedestals we have placed man on….we enthrone King Jesus

· Forgive us Lord for the high places that we worship rather than worshipping the one true God

· Forgive us Lord for not believing that You can work through the ungodly people in this world.

· Forgive us for believing that civic government is more powerful than You Lord God

· Forgive us where we have abdicated our role in society like in social services….where Your Church is to be the answer instead of the political government.

· Forgive our generation Lord for not teaching the Truths of the Word of God to the younger generations….forgive us for not being the role models you called us to be.


· We declare that the government of Colorado now reflects the government of heaven

· Ps 111: We declare Praise the Lord. We now choose to extol the Lord with all our heart in the council of the upright and in the assembly. 2 We declare that Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. 3 Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever.

· We intercede for Gov. Polis…that his heart is being transformed as he turns to salvation in Jesus Christ.

· We declare that Gov. Polis is now guided by Holy Spirit to make righteous decisions for our state.

· We ask that every Colorado House representative and senator is also guided by Holy Spirit to make righteous decisions for Colorado.

· Jared means “renewed in Christ”….we declare that Gov Polis is now renewed with the mind of Christ Jesus.

· We declare that Gov Polis will now hear and see the glory of God and His Truth.

· We declare that the younger generations today are now able to know and understand righteousness and Truth….what is right and wrong in the world around them.

· We ask Lord that You be revealed to ALL during this season.

· Prov 4: 24-27S We declare over governmental and church leaders of Colorado….Let your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.[p] 26 Watch where you’re going! Stick to the path of truth, and the road will be safe and smooth before you. 27 Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked for even a moment or take the detour that leads to darkness.

· We release the fear of the Lord God Almighty to Colorado governmental and church leaders….that they acknowledge their accountability to You Lord God.

· We declare Ps 58 over Colorado….. God’s justice? You high and mighty politicians know nothing about it! Which one of you has walked in justice toward others? Which one of you has treated everyone right and fair? Not one! You only give “justice” in exchange for a bribe. For the right price you let others get away with murder. Wicked wanderers even from the womb, that’s who you are! Lying with your words, your teaching is poison. Like cobras closing their ears to the most expert of the charmers, you strike out against all who are near. O God, break their fangs; shatter the teeth of these ravenous lions! Let them disappear like water falling on thirsty ground. Let all their weapons be useless. Let them be like snails dissolving into the slime. Let them be cut off, never seeing the light of day! God will sweep them away so fast that they’ll never know what hit them. The godly will celebrate in the triumph of good over evil. And the lovers of God will trample the wickedness of the wicked under their feet! 11 Then everyone will say, “There is a God who judges the judges” and “There is a great reward in loving God!”

· We release a hedge of protection around Amy Comey Barret today during the proceedings today.

· We pray that the light of Jesus inside her shines so brightly that a quick approval come forth.

· 1Pet 3:15-16 We speak over Amy Comey Barrett….“Do not fear their threats, do not be frightened. But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

· We call forth Heroes of Faith for this season….including Amy Comey Barrett.

· We ask for a move of God on Colorado senators to support Your Will Lord God.

· We ask that the wind of Holy Spirit now blow across the elections nationwide to sweep out those who the Lord would not have be elected….that the Upright and Righteous will be seated in each elected position.

· We ask that righteousness prevail throughout Colorado….flipping to righteousness statewide.

· We declare the any election fraud will be uncovered, thwarted and undone fully maintaining the integrity of elections throughout Colorado.

· We declare that this is the most honest election every

· We declare that the elections nationwide are fraud free

· We declare that the Ecclesia now arises in every level of government throughout Colorado and nationwide.

· We ask for protection of God’s people from the unseen enemy against family, marriage and Truth….strengthen each family to stand….re-alignment with each other and with life issues like finances and spirituality. We declare that Colorado families remain standing strong.

· We declare that pastors and ministry leaders now stand strong in the midst of the COVID-19 fallout….that they are able to shift into the new wineskin that God has for them in this season.

· We declare a tighter alignment throughout the body of Christ…that marriages are solid on the Rock of Jesus Christ….that the children are now raised with biblical truths.

· We ask for mercy Lord God over Colorado…..thank You Lord God for pouring out Your blessing on our state and nation….we look to You Lord God for the good things You have for us in this season.

· We call forth our God’s Ecclesia leaders across Colorado….in and outside of the church walls.

· We praise You Lord that more and more pastors of integrity are speaking from their pulpits to declare righteousness and encourage people to get out an vote.

· We declare that THE CHURCH of Colorado and America IS ESSENTIAL in every way.

· We declare that we, THE CHURCH, will not be limited by “pharaoh” who doesn’t want us to worship God….we declare that “pharaoh” is shut down rather than THE CHURCH.

· We declare that the Kingdom of God is advancing in powerful exponential ways across Colorado and the nation.

· We declare a changing of the guard taking place across Colorado as the new guards align with our God’s ways and government.

· We ask Lord that You make the people of Colorado Your spotless Bride….continue to transform Coloradans into Your likeness and image.

· 1 Thess 5: 23-25 23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it

· We declare that God’s people are not weary in doing.

· We declare that our God’s mighty hosts of angels are now working with us to bring victory in every governmental election this year.

· We declare mercy and grace over those who are not walking in integrity….draw them to Yourself Lord God…..that they receive the salvation of Jesus Christ.

Oct 14, 2020

Sorry I'm running behind this week!! Thanks for your faithfulness my fellow prayer warriors!! Love you guys!!

Call Details

This prayer team intercedes for the people of Colorado The w...

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