On the call October 13, 2021 -Donna, Kay, and Katherine
Praise You, Lord, for the honor to pray! Reading Psalm 100.
Calling the Fire of God to fall on Jeffco and Colorado. II Kings 18:24 “And you call the name of your god, and I will call upon {Yahweh) and the God who answers by fire, He is God.” Bring us before You in our pride. Call us up. Father come in my life, my family’s life, and bring conviction of sin. Soften hard hearts in Jeffco government, no pushing sin on our children. We cannot be tolerant of every sin. Shake the enemy! We rebuke the spirit of complacency in Jesus’ Name!
Call up hypocrisy. As we were once prodigals. Convict the prodigals calling them to repentance. Without Your Truth thereis no life. We ask You to rain on us. Rend our hearts and not our garments. Pull us into Your Kingdom more that the world. Pullus out of the world.
Father, unbury the saints. Those who are buried depression, discouragement, and weariness. Dig up the prayer warriors. Raise up strong plants in Your Kingdom-crying Holy Spirit fresh fire in the church. Churches open 24:7 to pray. Reflecting the seriousness of the times. Father, call up your prayer warriors all over Jeffco in the cracks and corners. Bring forth people to walking the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined in your spirit with longsuffering.
Lord, call off offense in Jesus’s name. Let Your body be willing to look at themselves. We want to endure to the end. Take us to that level. Willingness to confront to talk to people in Jeffco to explain our God. Let us be willing-to be hated for the Lord.
Call upon the Lord my God. Zech 13:9 “And I will bring the third part through the fire., refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will listen and answer them; I will say, ‘They are My people,’ and they will say, ‘The LORD is my God’.”
Lord, bring unity to Your body in Jeffco. Let us step outside of ourselves. Draw us to the power of Your Word that brings health and wholeness. Let us be quick to listen and slow to speak. Lord, peel away our flesh and bring us into the fruits of Your Spirit.
Open our lips to sing Your praises. Send us out in the great commission. Bring humility and obedience to Your church with our hearts knit together in love.
We shut down the agenda of the enemy in the mighty Name of Jesus! We declare the people in Jeffco will not be shut down. We declare the churches in Jeffco will not be shut down! Keeping people apart is causing distrust, depression, and suicide. We declare that Jeffco will be like the land of Goshen and-the events will pass through. We declare Jeffco-will be a place of peace of light in the midst of the darkness. Lord, let the leaders and people of Jeffco see clearly. We break off the fake bonds of unity with the governors on either coast and Gov. Polis. Breaking bonds. Exposure.
Prayer for law enforcement in Jeffco. Give them wisdom and discernment. There are homeless coming into Jeffco. (Kay testified about the health food store at Kipling and I-70 as she was just there this morning.) Lord, break the antichrist spirit! We ask for compassion but also wisdom. Lord, show us how to pray for them. Lord, bring protection for the homeless from law enforcement. Lord, bring a balance between handouts and work. We ask for wisdom for Jeffco government in this area. The Bible tells us work is good. We call for accountability. Lord, break off codependence and enabling. Lord, give our leaders wisdom as to the right balance. Lord, we ask for Your solution for the homeless.
We prayed for the four people running for the school board. Also, for workers to come forth to do the work for the children benefit in the schools. Prayed for the commissioners as they work out a budget for Jeffco in the coming weeks.
Karen, This is truly refreshing ! Amen.