Notes from Prayer Call 6/21/20
Focus: Mal 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction."
1. Fathers
2. Families
· We praised the names of God
· Ps 113
· Ps 148
· Ps 34:18
· Worship You Lord as the restorer of the breach, the healing of relationships
· Forgive us for not holding up the establishment of the family….for fathers abandoning their families.
· Forgive us a state for not being the families that you designed us to be.
· Forgive us for treating divorce casually… for breaking the covenant of marriage.
· Forgive us for putting out images of fathers as not needed in families.
· Forgive us for breaking our covenant with Your commandments Lord to honor our father and mother.
· Forgive us for not parenting children with love, compassion, and encouragement.
· Forgive us for not teaching our children the value of the covenant of marriage.
· Forgive us for not teaching our children the value of honor, love and respect
· Forgive us for not teaching children a solid work ethic and that they can do anything they set their heart to do.
· Forgive us for not teaching children to honor and respect authority starting in the home and going into society including employers, police and other adults.
· Forgive us as women for overtaking men when seeking to have a voice….for not allowing men to be the head of the household.
· Forgive us as women for not honoring fathers in the household…..if the mother doesn’t honor, the children will not honor.
· We cry out for Mal 4:6….turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children to their parents…..for mercy Lord that you don’t strike our land with total destruction.
· We cry out in utter desperation…catch us up Lord, lift up families…touch the broken hearted...make yourself known as a father to the fatherless. Send Holy Spirit Lord to provide godly counsel and wisdom to those who have not had healthy parenting.
· We ask Lord for more of You in every family across Colorado…release a greater outpouring of Your Spirit
· Forgive us Lord for redefining marriage and family….we declare the restoration of family as one man and one women who are married with children.
· We ask for a heart change that the sense of family be restored to overshadow selfishness and self-centeredness. Release a sense of love from parents to their children as their first priority before their careers and work.
· We ask Lord that You awaken parents to not rely solely on Sunday school to teach their children. Guide parents to teach biblical principles, to teach the power of prayer, to model prayer evangelism, to teach each child their identify in Christ.
· We declare peace and love over families.
· We ask for healing for parents who were wounded by their own parents or grandparents….heal them Lord so that they are able to love and not wound their own children.
· We ask that the Love of Jesus overwhelm and overshadow all violence toward children across Colorado.
· We pray for a wave of forgiveness that breaks the iniquity of emotional and physical violence in Colorado families.
· We ask for a hunger for the Word for all Colorado people….that every individual seeks the Truth of the Word of God and receives Your Son as their Savior.
· Ps 10:14 We thank You are the helper of the fatherless
· Ps 68:5 You are the Father of the fatherless
· We declare that in Colorado, God is restoring marriages and families….that we have strong marriages and families.
· We declare that in Colorado children are being trained up in the way they should go and they will not depart from it.
· We declare that angels are released to encamp around every Colorado family
· We declare victory over every Colorado family…that the devil cannot prosper in Colorado families
· We declare victory and spiritual freedom for those in the prison system…those who had no fathers or were raised in violent or non-supportive homes…bless them Lord with a renewal of mind and spirit which sets them free from ungodly emotions and allows them to complete their sentence term in the joy of the Lord.
· We declare a massive wave of God’s love across Colorado releasing everyone from the snares of the enemy.
· We release the spirit of reconciliation across Colorado….that God’s people walk in it to bring emotional and spiritual healing to families.
· We release peace, patience, kindness, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control into the people of Colorado.
· We ask Lord for conviction in ourselves to bring reconciliation to those in our families and sphere of influence.
· We honor You Lord and praise You that are working to answer our prayers… our eyes and ears to hear and see the answers to our prayers….that we can give You all the praise, glory and honor.
· We thank You Lord that we can release the fragrance of God’s life and glory everywhere we go.
· We praise You Lord that You will overcome the enemy on our behalf
· We declare that You alone are worthy.
· You are high and lifted up…greater than anything we can think or imaging.
· We declare that everything is Yours…..You are great and this earth is Your footstool
· We exalt You Jesus and give You all the glory.
· Let us never lose the wonder of how great you are Lord God.
· The mystery of what You have done for us is beyond comprehension
· You are the awesome one, the all-powerful one…praise you Lord.
· We declare that even nature praises You Lord God.
Karen our El Paso prayer call was focused on regeneration of identity of Fathers men sons and the two intercessors were men with me very similar identification repentance prayer and intercession