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FOH Weekly Prayer for Colorado

Public·45 members

Colorado Weekly Prayer Call Jan 30, 2023

Amy Everette (Parker) Deb (Littleton) Alt Lee (Colorado Springs) Janet (Montrose) Evie (Parker) Mary (Elizabeth) Collette (Aurora) Karen (Parker) Karen (Pagosa Springs) Ann (Castle Rock) Tony & Hazel (Henderson)

Mondays @ 9:15am

(425) 436-6328 Access Code: 3449888# *6 to Mute/Unmute

Prayer Focus: Stand at Your Watch

Key Scriptures: Jer 51:12 AMP Set up a signal on the walls of Babylon (Colorado) [to spread the news]; Post a strong blockade, Station the guards, Prepare the men for ambush! For the Lord has both purposed and done that which He spoke against the people of Babylon (Colorado).


· We worship You oh Mighty God

· Jer 10: 6-7 You are great oh God.

· Ps 96 O sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth! 2 Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim good news of His salvation from day to day. 3 Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works and wonderful deeds among all the peoples. 4 For great is the Lord and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods. 5 For all the gods of the peoples are [worthless, lifeless] idols, But the Lord made the heavens. 6 Splendor and majesty are before Him; Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. 7 [a]Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. 8 Ascribe to the Lord the glory of His name; Bring an offering and come into His courts. 9 Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; Tremble [in submissive wonder] before Him, all the earth.

· Ps 100 Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Serve the Lord with gladness and delight; Come before His presence with joyful singing. 3

· Ps 106: 1 Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His mercy and lovingkindness endure forever! We exalt Your Name today Lord God We declare that You are good oh Lord…we bless Your holy Name.

· We give You all the praise and glory Lord God

· Ps 150 Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty heavens. 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to [the abundance of] His greatness. 3 Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with harp and lyre. 4 Praise Him with tambourine and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flute. 5 Praise Him with resounding cymbals; Praise Him with loud cymbals. 6 Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)

· We thank You Lord that You love Your creation….Your people. We thank You Lord that You sent Your Son for our salvation.

· Ps 19: 1-4 The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And the expanse [of heaven] is declaring the work of His hands. 2 Day after day pours forth speech, And night after night reveals knowledge. We thank You Lord that Your creation cries out to You. We thank You Lord that You made our sins as white as snow.

· We praise You Lord for the cold and snow, ice and rain…for the moisture that is much needed for our great state.

· We embrace Your glory Lord God.


· We ask for mercy and grace for Your people of Colorado to navigate the cold and snow.

· Col 1: 13-20 3 For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption [because of His sacrifice, resulting in] the forgiveness of our sins [and the cancellation of sins’ penalty]. 15 He is the exact living image [the essential manifestation] of the unseen God [the visible representation of the invisible], the firstborn [the preeminent one, the sovereign, and the originator] of all creation. 16 For [d]by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [that is, by His activity] and for Him. 17 And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.] 18 He is also the head [the life-source and leader] of the body, the [e]church; and He is the beginning, [f]the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will occupy the first place [He will stand supreme and be preeminent] in everything. 19 For it pleased the Father for all the fullness [of deity—the sum total of His essence, all His perfection, powers, and attributes] to dwell [permanently] in Him (the Son), 20 and through [the intervention of] the Son to reconcile all things to Himself, making peace [with believers] through the blood of His cross; through Him, [I say,] whether things on earth or things in heaven.

· We declare Colorado Watchmen….come forth….take your place on the wall of Colorado.

· Eze 3:17-21 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: 18 When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. 19 Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

· Eze 33 Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, 3 when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, 4 then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will [a]save his life. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.” 7 “So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. 8 When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. 9 Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have [b]delivered your soul.

· Let each believer be serious of being a watchmen for Colorado to keep awake, sound the alarm and do their job for the Kingdom.

· Isa 56: 10 His watchmen are blind, They are all ignorant; They are all dumb dogs, They cannot bark; [b]Sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. We declare that every believer in Colorado now takes his/her place on the wall to stand watch and intercede for our state.

· Open the eyes of every believer that they see what You want them to see Lord and they know how to pray, what to do to stand for Your Truth and Your Kingdom

· Thank You Lord for healing the eyes, ears and hearts of every Colorado believer.

· Let each one be steadfast on the wall with great endurance and power.

· Eph 6.. Let each believer be armed with the Spirit of God and strong the Lord to stand and do battle in the spirit realm for God’s Kingdom

· Phil 4: 12-13 2 I know how to [d]be abased, and I know how to [e]abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through [f]Christ who strengthens me.

· With You Lord we can do all things

· It is our heartfelt cry that Colorado believers do not remain silent Germans did as Hitler took over. Let each one hear the alarm and take action in the natural to defend our state against ungodly rule and reign.

· Raise up Your Watchmen Lord God….we are in dire distress….we need the people of God to stand strong on the spirit and steadfast in taking action in the natural

· Isa 52:8 Your watchmen shall lift up their voices, With their voices they shall sing together; For they shall see eye to eye When the Lord brings back Zion.

· We thank You Lord that the watchmen will see eye to eye when the Lord brings back Colorado to Kingdom glory.

· We declare the snare of fear is now broken over the people of Colorado as it is overtaken by the fear of the Lord God Almighty

· Ps 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

· We call forth the body of Christ across Colorado to engage in local leadership…library leadership. School board leadership, county commissioner, town councils, etc.. Raise up the young people to engage. Raise up the old ladies to engage.

· We declare that the favor of the Lord is on the watchmen across Colorado. Give each one direction, guidance and favor to flow in the signs and wonders of Your Glory.

· We declare that there is a turning toward the favor of God over the favor of man.

· We thank You Lord that Matt 28 is being implemented as more Colorado believers live out Your command to share the gospel of the Kingdom. Let Your love flow through Colorado believers.

· We break off discouragement from the those believers who are weary from the time spent attending school board meetings (and other meetings) with limited participation from other believers. Show each one Lord, the impact they are having on the world around the.

· We declare Hab 2:1 I will stand at my guard post And station myself on the tower; And I will keep watch to see what He will say to me, And what answer I will give [as His spokesman] when I am reproved.

· We thank You Lord that You fill our minds and mouths with You way and will for our state.

· May we come in the spirit of David with his strength to run into the battle with God’s strength and His armor to stand and withstand for God’s Kingdom in Colorado.

· 1Sam 17: 29 Is there not a cause?

· We declare that what God did at Encompass Church in Parker (teaching and empowerment in prayer) now goes forth across the Ecclesia statewide…mobilizing more prayer…mobilizing greater authority in prayer.

· We stand on the Blood the Lamb and word of Mary’s testimony regarding Encompass Church and declare “do it again Lord God”

· We declare salvation to all of Colorado based on John 6:44-47 44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me. 46 Not that anyone has seen the Father, except He who is from God; He has seen the Father. 47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.

· We ask Lord that You soften the hearts of pre-believers…remove blinders…give them divine encounters….bless each one with people who will show them the love of Jesus.

· Eph 6:12 Let every ungodly oppression be brought down so that pre-believer will receive Jesus as their savior and believers will be strong in discipling new believers around them.

· In the authority of Jesus….we cancel the lie that not all are called to pray… we declare that every believer in Colorado now hears and responds to the Truth that every believer is called to pray.

· We welcome You Holy Spirit to every Colorado community to give people encounters with the living God.

· Let Colorado be known as a state dedicated to prayer.

· We ask Lord for people who live around a Colorado church….draw them into the church that teaches Your Truth…draw them to the home groups who demonstrate the love of Jesus.

· We thank You Lord for growing house churches home groups, bible studies, prayer groups…let every person know and walk in the Truth that they are a minister of the gospel.

Call Details

This prayer team intercedes for the people of Colorado The w...

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