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FOH Weekly Prayer for Colorado

Public·45 members

AMAZING prayer time this morning! Colorado has been lifted up, and called back to its motto "Nothing without God!" AMEN! Thank you, Janet, for leading us!

Prayer notes are below. WORD version will be emailed.

Colorado Weekly Prayer Call

June 21, 2021

Janet (Montrose)

Mary (Elizabeth)

Deb (Littleton)

Wanda (Aurora)

Karen (Lakewood)

Kathleen (Longmont)

Tom (Castle Rock)

Joy and Doyle (Arvada)

Pam (Lakewood)

Mondays @ 9:15am

712-770-5021, Access Code: 369691#

Prayer Focus: In God We Trust (National Motto), Specifically in Colorado

Colorado’s motto: Colorado: “Nothing without the Deity.” Nothing without God! (The official state motto of Colorado is "Nil sine Numine" (Nothing without the Deity, retrieved 6-21-21 from

Joh 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Quotes from Dutch Sheets “Give Him 15” for June 21, 2021 (which is a quote from his brother, Tim:

“Recently, I was pondering and seeking the Lord for strategies regarding our times. A constant prayer of mine is, “What is the present word of the Lord?” I was contemplating Holy Spirit’s move in this new era with His angel armies and the remnant now forming an active ekklesia - a reigning church moving in power and glory under greater authority than we have ever seen.

“I believe if the ekklesia in each state arose and declared realignment to the purpose, plans and identity of their region, our nation will be realigned to its official purpose and covenant. Holy Spirit has given us an assignment to realign this nation and declare to the world ‘In God we trust!’”

Than you Lord, for this message, for YOU as our source! Thank you for wanting us to be in your presence!

We seek to BE in the presence of the Lord continually – abiding in Him!

Joh 3:30-31 "He must increase, but I must decrease. (31) "He who comes from above is above all, he who is of the earth is from the earth and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all.

– Thank you that your precious Holy Spirit blesses us! Jesus, you sacrificed for us so that we have abundant life! Lord, let everything we say and do honor you, and that we give your message of hope to everyone we see!

This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Lord we repent in CO and in our nation, for trying to do things in our own strength! We humble ourselves today and ask forgiveness individually and corporately. Help us to see we can only do things in YOUR strength, and not in our own!

Ps 62:8 – Trust in Him at all times! By YOU alone comes our salvation, YOU alone are my rock and my salvation and my refuge! I shall not be shaken!

Thank you for Your Word, for this prayer group, as we join together! Have mercy on us and hear our prayer! We praise and trust You, Lord! AMEN!

We ask for forgiveness for not trusting in Your timing. We know your timing is perfect! Help us to be patient and to wait in hopeful trust! Thank you that you are righteousness, and we wait for that to prevail! Your justice is like the great deep, and we can count on You to bring your justice and righteousness. We pray we do not judge those who are unrighteousness, but we rely on YOU to bring those about. You are holy, just and righteous! You know and see it all, and we do not. WE TRUST IN YOU!

Thank you Lord that you have the desire to listen to us, to be friends with us. Help us to have ears to hear! Bring us and the STATE OF COLORADO into alignment with the will of God. We declare it!

Joh 3:30-31 "He must increase, but I must decrease. (31) "He who comes from above is above all, he who is of the earth is from the earth and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all.

Forgive us for exalting our own opinions. Forgive all who have done this, setting ourselves on the throne instead of you. We are to submit all things to you.

Pro 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. (6) Remember the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Become intimate with the Lord, and He will guide our steps! We come humbly before you today, asking forgiveness through the blood of Jesus, for being wise in our own eyes.

Help us to seek what You want from YOUR heart, not our own, for all in Colorado. We pray Colorado seeks to align with you! That we CHOOSE YOU, and YOU ALONE to guide us and lead us in every decision, to be where you want us WHEN you want us there! From daily activities to getting involved in our community through school boards, etc., PLEASE LEAD EACH OF US in Your spirit of truth and righteousness! We are thankful you never leave us nor forsake us! We ask you to help us have undivided devotion to you!

Deut 10:12 – What does the Lord require of us? To Love You and to serve You with all of our heart and all of our soul!

Help us Lord to be good stewards of all that we have, every opportunity to speak of you, Lord! Help us to walk in all of your ways! We need you moment by moment! Help us to be IN Your presence every moment!

Let us be open to Your call for YOUR purposes, Lord! We commit our lives to you, and thank you for your love and presence and salvation!

We want to express who we are and our purposes. We are a “treasure state”; may all that you have put in Colorado be mined for YOUR glory, that YOUR purposes and plans alone will come to fruition. Let all in CO be so aligned with you that Colorado is renowned as being FOR YOU, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Let us be a flowing water into the nation of your glory and grace! AMEN

We pray for how to love the people living in tents in Denver etc., and how to minister to them! Be with them, fill them with your Holy Spirit, open them to YOUR WORD, and YOUR Plan! Praise that you are in control! We bring all of our children and families to you, and ask for your blessing and to open their hearts to you! AMEN!

You have strategically positioned Colorado to be a communication system – Lord, let every word that goes forth from and through Colorado align with YOUR Word, Your Spirit! Bring freedom to the captive! Nothing without Providence (YOU, OH GOD) in Colorado!

1 Cor 13: 4-7 Love suffers a lot. The enemy wants to come in to kill and destroy. Lord, please Change the hearts and the souls of the legislative branch and the courts, Lord. For all unrighteous and unconstitutional bills signed by the Governor this week. For court decision against Jack Phillips again from Masterpiece Cakes. For disregard for life in Colorado. For agendas that are being pressed that are not of YOU, Lord! Undo them, change the hearts of governor, legislative branch and judges – let them have broken hearts to seek YOU, Lord, and to repent! Let your Word well up in our hearts and those of ALL in Colorado, so that we do come into ALIGNMENT with Your will for Colorado! Help us be a light to the nation, and let this nation be a light to the WORLD! AMEN!

Thank you, Lord, that the inception of our state is “Nothing without God”! We declare that Colorado comes back to this – we ask for a heart change in this state and in this nation! AMEN!

Break our hearts, and reform us according to YOUR purposes! AMEN! Let us have YOUR heart in every matter, and let us not do anything without you.

We pray Lord for those who DO have Your heart, Lord, in government, church, business, education, media/entertainment, family – all spheres of influence. Thank you for their steadfastness, boldness. We pray for protection for them and your guidance for them all, to be Your voice crying out for Colorado and the nation. We pray they do not waiver!

Lord, please go to battle for us! The battle is the Lord’s! We all are in a battle and we look to YOU, Lord, to help us hold up YOUR standards! We declare we are all overcomers and will stand up! BUT we need YOU to send angels to fight.

Psa 103:19-22 The LORD placed his throne in heaven; he is king over all. (20) Praise the LORD, you strong and mighty angels, who obey his commands, who listen to what he says. (21) Praise the LORD, all you heavenly powers, you servants of his, who do his will! (22) Praise the LORD, all his creatures in all the places he rules. Praise the LORD, my soul! Praise the LORD, my soul!

Thank you that we will have the victory in you! Give us a persevering and bold spirit, through you!

Thank you for raising up more apostolic centers who know the true meaning of ekklesia. Thank you for raising up more men and women with that gifting. Let there be no fear of losing non-profit status, but who will stand up boldly for YOU and YOUR will! Let all of them work together in YOUR strength and boldness to bring Colorado and our nation back to YOU!

Heb 13:4 – marriage is to be held in honor. This is foundation of our country. We pray for fathers, to be bold leaders, to rise up and shine in their families, churches and communities, for YOU! Be with families to reflect our relationship with YOU! Be with children to be sent out as a shining light for YOU!

Remove everything that does not conform to the unity and purpose you have for us!

Help us all to love your TRUTH and speak it out boldly!

We look to you, Lord and Your Word, in our families, in our spheres of influence throughout Colorado, to guide us and lead us, through Holy Spirit!

We declare CHRIST IN US, the HOPE of GLORY! AMEN! Hallelujah!

Is 40:25-31 – Where is the one equal to the Lord? NONE! Lord, there is no one like You! You alone are Holy! You alone are Lord! Help us, Lord, to remember that, and to seek YOU and have NOTHING without YOU! In Colorado and in the nation! AMEN!

Those who entwine their hearts with Yahweh will be strengthened!! THANK YOU Lord, that this is what TRUSTING IN YOU ALONE looks like! AMEN!

We declare we are ENTWINED with You, Lord!

Thank you for realigning us this day with YOU individually, in Colorado, and the nation, and that we can do NOTHING without You!

We present ourselves Romans 12: a living sacrifice! Help us to pick up our cross every day through YOUR strength and leadership, Lord, NOT for our own agenda!

We lay aside all divisions, and seek YOU, offer ourselves a living sacrifice, for YOUR glory!

Eph 3:19 –Release Your fullness in our lives, oh Lord!

Lord, we ask for your healing touch on all, spiritually, physically, mentally. Please fight these battles for all in Colorado and in our nation and world! AMEN

Colorado Prays – 6/26 – Wall of Prayer Day on Western Slope – that Western Slope embraces this, and strengthens our Colorado Canopy of Prayer over the whole state. Lord, put it on the heart of MANY to attend and engage their churches in the Colorado Prays WALL OF PRAYER! Nothing without You, throughout Colorado! BUILD THE WALL!

We praise you, Lord, for ALL on call, and how you always meet with us in this call! We lift up these prayers, knowing you have heard and are answering us ! AMEN!

Psa 46:10 "Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Be still and know that I am God! I will be exalted in all the earth!

We put all our Trust in You today, and we will do nothing without You, Lord God!!

Pray for Amy on her horse riding trip! Let it be a time of refreshment and joy. Be with the women to see YOU in each other, in Your nature, and in their fellowship!

We pray, Lord, that Your presence is seen and felt by all of us, and by all who belong to you, Lord! We praise you for Your goodness and your blessing, that you DO dwell within us! Help us to be EMPOWERED by your gracious presence, and let Your light shine from us into this darkened world!

Call Details

This prayer team intercedes for the people of Colorado The w...

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