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Weld - Briggsdale Area CPT

Publicยท5 members

Colorado Prays for Israel

Colorado Prays is starting a weekly prayer call for Israel. It will be led by Gaylyn Williams in Colorado Springs who has spent lots of time in Israel and is connected with people in the land. The goal is to have someone in Israel on each weekly call. This week, Andrea, a powerful woman of God in Israel, will share with us how we can pray for Israel. Please join us and invite others to dial in.

Zoom Meeting

Thursday, Nov 2


Suggestion to follow for the Weld groups


It's good to know the Weld County Civic Prayer is expanding to the Northern Colorado (Weld-Northern CPT). My name is Priscilla Jacobson and I'm honored to implement the information from Amy Everette and the and Maria Olson from Weld County Greeley Civic Prayer team.

May God get all the Glory!

Priscilla Jacobson

Amy Everette
Amy Everette
Amy Everette
Jul 03, 2023

Yeah Priscilla! Now you can invite others in N Weld County to join the group!
