Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
You are invited to join others across the state who are praying to end abortion in Colorado!
The Colorado Life Initiative is hosting a Prayer Call every Tuesday of every month at 12 noon! Anyone who would like to protect innocent children is welcome to join the call! Please invite your pastor and other churchgoers!
A 5-minute update on these statewide efforts will be given at the beginning of each Prayer Call. We are looking for Leaders and volunteers to join us in every area of the state! An information card and involvement sheet are attached. For more information about Colorado Life Initiative, please go to:
Prayer Call for Life
Every Tuesday
12:00pm Mtn Time
Dial (605) 313-5646 (this is a phone call)
Access Code: 2864349
Prayer CALL for Life
Join the online group
to engage with others in prayer and activism
for issues of Life in Colorado.