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Opening Eyes

First Christian Church in Trinidad has been hosting a monthly Prayer Watch with Colorado Prays since August of 2018. Some people in the church have left the prayer watch and others have joined in recent months - especially since COVID hit. Recently, as the Prayer Watch has again ramped up, Pastor Cary Nelson was preparing to start his Sunday sermon and came under the power of Holy Spirit. Through Pastor Nelson, The Lord passionately and emotionally admonished the congregation to never stop praising and worshipping Him as Waymaker, Creator and Possessor of Heaven...the Lord God Almighty. As the Lord spoke through pastor Nelson, the congregation was overwhelmed with conviction regarding the need to stand for the Kingdom of Light against the powers of darkness in Trinidad. Many were brought to tears in the midst of the admonition. The Lord said that Christians don't have to do anything to get the kingdom of darkness; our sin allows darkness to reign and doing nothing allows satan to influence schools and the world around us. However, Christians need to fear the Him, hear His voice and see Him spiritually to know how to stand in the Light as He is the Light. This is the day and the time to be alive in Christ Jesus! Let's choose to walk in the Kingdom of Light!

What a powerful testimony of a move of God in a congregation that is on the Colorado Prays Prayer Wall!


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