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What is Colorado Prays?

Colorado Prays is a Movement of United, Strategic,

Sustainable Prayer for Colorado


UNITED: Calling all Jesus-following churches and believers!!!

We are calling churches of every denominations, ethnicity and generation.

While our churches differ in many ways, we join together in 24/7 prayer because we agree that, if Jesus is King of Colorado, that's the best thing for Colorado!!!!!   Let's lift Him up together in prayer and praise!


STRATEGIC:  Prayer is not the end game.  Colorado Prays provides a spiritual pathway leading to:

  • Fewer suicides

  • Less crime

  • Better marriages

  • Enhanced high school graduation rates

  • More faith and godliness - less fear, anger and rebellion

SUSTAINABLE:  Every church in Colorado, regardless of it's size, location, annual budget, worship style or theology, can adopt a day of prayer every month (on it's own or in partnership with another church). The Prayer Wall is sustainable when 2200 churches each host a monthly Prayer Watch.

THE Vision:  To call THE CHURCH of Colorado to a wall of day and night prayer where God fights for us (Neh 4:20) bringing about the sustained transformation of every sphere of society.


The Mission:  Equip and mobilize 24x7 prayer across Colorado in 3 Initiatives.


1. Church Prayer Watch 

A Church or group hosts a 12hr or 24hr (or less) monthly Prayer Watch to help cover the city and county in prayer. After 6+ years of mobilizing prayer, Colorado Prays now has all but 20 days out of the year covered in non-stop prayer at the state level. We are partnering with America Prays to see 40,000 churches nationwide praying together 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.


2. County Prayer Watch 

Colorado Prays has established a monthly 24hr Prayer Watch in each of the 64 counties statewide.  Individuals sign up to pray for an hour or more to intercede for the county.  They use the Monthly Prayer Digest posted on our website each month to guide their prayer time.


3. Civic Prayer Teams

This prayer initiative engages local people in each county to regularly intercede for their county: especially County Leaders.  Each Civic Prayer Team:


  1. Intercedes. Prays together regularly for leaders and the needs of the county;

  2. Ministers. Sends Ambassadors from the team to pray with, and for, local civic leaders and obtain their     prayer requests;

  3. Engages. Compiles the prayer requests into a Quarterly Civic Prayer Guide which is distributed to area congregations that will actively engage in praying for the needs of their county.


                   Watch a short overview of  Colorado Prays

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24x7 Prayer Wall

The vision of Colorado Prays is to build a wall of day and night prayer across Colorado that so saturates each community with God's Presence that everything and everyone comes into alignment with His purposes 'on earth as it is in Heaven". (Matt 6:10)


The goal is to have 35 churches each hosting a 24hr Prayer Watch in each of the 64 counties in Colorado (2,200 churches on a wall of prayer for the state).

Prayer Digest

The Prayer Wall is undergirded by Prayer Trusts (county-wide strategic prayer teams) that each focus on a sphere of society in which they work or live.  The spheres include government, media, arts/entertainment, church, family, education, marketplace, and first responders.  As these Trusts meet regularly to pray, they document prayer points which are compiled into a monthly Prayer Digest and distributed each month to every church on the Prayer Wall.

Prayer Digest CoPrays.png


A Church or group hosts a 12hr or 24hr (or less) monthly Prayer Watch to help cover the city and county in prayer. Engaging churches since 2017, Colorado Prays now has all but 20 days out of the year covered in non-stop prayer at the state level. We are now engaging non-stop prayer in each county. 


At the national level, we partner with America Prays to see 40,000 churches nationwide praying together 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.



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