Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
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Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!
Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
Sign Up is Easy!

Colorado Prays invites you to participate in a statewide response to the call for an Isaiah 62 Global Fast for Israel.
In conjunction with churches statewide, we encourage you to engage in this 21-day season of fasting and prayer concerning God’s prophetic purposes for the nation of Israel and for the souls of 100,000 Jewish people in Colorado. We believe that our state has a unique call concerning God’s Chosen People, and we encourage you find a way to engage in the various events and worship/prayer activities throughout the month of May.
Daily fasting, Prayer & worship
May 7 - 28
NOON PRAYER. A simple way to engage with the Global Fast is to pray at noon throughout the 21 Day initiative.
You can pray daily or pick the days that work for you.
You can pray on your own and sign up below to join the Noon prayer initiative and receive reminders for the days you choose to pray.
CORPORATE WORSHIP/PRAYER. We believe Jesus is giving grace for corporate fasting, prayer, and worship for Israel during this 21-day initiative. Please consider hosting one or more worship and prayer gatherings sometime between May 7 and May 28.
prayer summit
Pagosa Springs
Sunday, May 7
9am - 9pm
Over 200 Attended!!
On Sunday, May 7th, you are invited to help kickoff this 21-day season of prayer and fasting for Israel and for the 100,000 Jewish people in Colorado. Restoration Fellowship in Pagosa Springs, CO will host a 12 hour Prayer Summit to pray for Israel and stand with them for the fulfillment of God's purposes for the nation.
more local eventss
Prayer Surge Now
Nightly Prayer Call
May 7 - May 28
6-7pm Mtn Time
Dial 605-475-4797
Passcode 336718#
Hosted by Robert Wolff, Majestic Glory, and a team of servant leaders.
donate now
God is moving in a powerful way across Colorado. There is non-stop, day and night prayer statewide and more counties are responding to build 24x7 prayer countywide.
This 21-day global fast is another step toward a united, strategic, sustainable prayer covering over our state, the nation and Israel.
Your financial support is greatly appreciated. All proceeds given will be used for the Colorado Stands with Israel Initiative. This will include all event expenses, honorariums, and future events.