Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
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Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
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Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
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Calling THE CHURCH to a Wall of Day and Night Prayer
Where God will Fight For Us. Neh 4:20
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Revival Tidbits
Full Colorado Prays In Focus Newsletters > CLICK HERE
Call To God in Prayer
If God did not exist, man would invent Him anyway.
Man is born with an innate need to pray. In every religion in the world, people pray.
If faced with disaster, man will call out for help in prayer.
However, what matters is who the target is of that cry for help.
God wants man’s devotion to Himself.
That is why, in the Bible, He is called a jealous God and why one of His biggest challenges
has been competing with other “gods”.
All through the Bible, God’s encouraged His people to give up their idols and worship Him, and Him alone.
Which is why the Bible says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”.
When we know the One True and living God, we will understand Him as our Father and act in our
natural desire and yearning to call out to Him in prayer.
Peace Leads to Joy
In this Christmas season, one of the Christmas carols we hear is "Joy to the world".
It is the desire of every human heart to find joy. However, we cannot have real joy without personally knowing the author of joy, who is Jesus our Savior.
Romans 14:17 tells us that the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
That means the Kingdom of God is the only place where joy abounds because it is the only place where righteousness and peace are found.
Being justified with God as Romans 5:1 says, produces peace in our lives which in turn brings joy.
May this Christmas season be one where believers and pre-believers alike seek first the Kingdom of God and salvation in Jesus, so that all these things (peace, righteousness and joy) be given to them (Matt 6:33).
That is the Christmas gift we pray for!
Humility is Evident
Luke 2:7 tells us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem which means (the city of bread).
He was birthed in a humble stable because there was no room in the inn.
It also tells us He was swaddled and laid in a manger. It is often cited that He lowly stepped down from His riches in glory to demonstrate humility to us.
There can be no argument concerning these thoughts but perhaps there is something else God the Father wanted to demonstrate to us.
A manger is an eating place for animals which is a very humble place to lay an infant.
Perhaps we are to see by this illustration, that Jesus is the living bread who lay in a manger.
We are invited to come humbly to him, not as at some royal banquet, but in the humble place, to partake of that Living Bread.
In numerous scriptures, the Word tells us that, if we humble ourselves, we will be exalted (James 4:10,1Pet 5:6, Matt 23:12).
When we humble ourselves to partake of that Living Bread, we find ourselves being exalted with the same kind of eternal life that Jesus has, which is for all eternity.
Do you practice humility?
Pray for Divine Havoc
We know that God's will is for all men to be saved by coming to the knowledge of Jesus
Christ as their Savior. The question is, what does it take for that to happen?
I have had conversations with people about their opportunity for salvation and had them tell me that “there are many ways and doors to God, yours sounds too exclusive”.
To counter that, I like what I once heard a preacher explain when he shared that there shouldn’t be any way to God because of His deity.
However, we are fortunate that God did make a way when He said in Acts 4:12 that there is a way to God which is Jesus Christ.
So, for our unsaved friends and loved ones, who are doubtful of there being only one way to God,
words may not make a difference.
That means we should pray that God, by the power of Holy Spirit, gives them powerful spiritual encounters that release divine havoc in their lives and woos them into the loving arms of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
November 12, 2024
Faith-Filled Prayer
It is paramount that we pray for God’s will to be done in the earth, for ourselves, our families, our churches, and our nation. No one who is motivated about the importance of prayer disputes that.
However, in James 5:16, we are told that the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much.
This scripture teaches that prayer accomplishes things on its own, but we must remember that in order for our prayers to be effective, they must be mixed with faith.
We must believe that our prayers are being heard and answered so that we are not just going through spiritual or religious motions.
Bottom line, faith-filled prayer should give us great boldness and confidence as we intercede.
October 28, 2024
Want to Mess with Darkness?
Why do we pray? Can't God do anything He wants to?
It is hard to accept that certain things won't happen unless we pray.
In fact, it can be mind blowing to realize that our infinite God depends on His created beings to intercede so that certain things are accomplished in the heavenlies and on earth.
It is even more interesting to know that there is a human characteristic that God requires as we pray.
The verse in 2 Chronicles 7:14 effortlessly rolls off many a tongue but the real power of it is often overlooked. What I am speaking of is the power of humility. The verse says "If my people will HUMBLE themselves and pray, THEN I will hear from heaven" and then He says what He will DO.
This means that the characteristic of humility carries great power.
Jesus, though He was God, humbled himself and came to earth as a man to do what was necessary to save us, resulting in the gift of salvation.
Likewise when we humble ourselves and pray, we are doing something through our obedience and humility that wreaks havoc with the power of darkness around us.
If you want to see evil defeated in your sphere of influence, now is the time to pray.
Will you join me now as I excuse myself to go pray?
October 14, 2024
Are you a house of prayer?
"My house shall be called a house of prayer" - God.
We need to look at that statement from God in two senses.
First as Christ's body, we are His house.
Secondly, the place where we meet is also called God's house.
His design is for we, the church, to come to God's House, the location, to meet together.
What are we to do there? We meet to worship, to hear God's word, and PRAY
because it is in that atmosphere that wonderful things happen.
The realization that God is there with us and He is in us in that setting is awe-inspiring.
Add to that the knowledge that His living Word is in us, works among us and
He works His works through us. These revelations should motivate us to fervently
Seek God through more passionate and consistent prayer.
In my book, if that revelation doesn't inspire you to pray, It pray that you receive a personal revival, a rekindling of Holy Spirit fire in your life.
Excuse me, I think I need to go pray!
September 28, 2024
Prayer As a Remembrance
Personal or corporate prayer can be based on a remembrance of what God did in the past because, if He did it then, He can certainly do it again (and more) in this season!
Throughout the bible, the prophets and people of Israel took time to remember all that God had done for them. They placed remembrance stones (Joshua 4: 1-8) and recounted the testimonies of their ancestors giving thanks to God. They also sounded the trumpets as a memorial before God (Num 10:9). In each instance, prayers were raised to Father God thanking Him for what He had done, even as they prayed believing for what He would do in their current time.
Consider this in your own prayer times. Are there things that the Lord has done for you for which you are grateful? Are they related to things you are praying for today? Give thanks to God for what He did back then believing that He will do even more for you now.
You can do two things to provide a remembrance of the past as you pray for today:
Collect one or more stones. Use a permanent marker to write a scripture or a brief summary of what you are thankful for on stones, creating stones of remembrance. Find a special place to display the stone(s) in your home or yard. Allow them to remind you of what you are grateful for and what you are believing for with expectant faith.
Start a Journal of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. Regularly write down the things that God has done in your life for which you are grateful. Date each entry as a remembrance. When you are down or discouraged, you can then read and pray through your Remembrance Journal as a way to instill yourself with expectant hope that God will do it again and even more so!
Prayer can be a powerful tool for giving thanks for the past and believing for the future. Will you use prayer as a remembrance?
September 10, 2024
Prayer is an honored privilege to communicate and build a strong, intimate, relationship with God the Father. It is His invitation to commune with Him in a powerful conversation which can bring about change. It is the believer’s opportunity to agree with “the Father’s will on earth as it is in heaven.”
With this understanding, we need to recognize that there are multiple variations of prayer. Among them are petitions, blessings, supplications, statements of gratefulness, declarations, and intercession. Some believers release their prayers through thoughts and at times pray out loud. Some will journal what they hear from the Lord and their specific prayers. Others simply flow spontaneously in prayer with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The question is, can there be too much prayer?
1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing”. That Bible verse alone tells us that there cannot be too much prayer. It does not mean, however, that prayers come out of your mouth every minute of every day. Or that you must pray through a checklist every day. The simple goal is to set aside a time for focused prayer and then be mindful of the Lord, His will, and His Word as we go about our day. We can use spontaneous prayer to intentionally acknowledge Him in all that we do and support others through intercession. This simple approach means some of our prayers might sound like: “Thank You Lord for the parking spot”. “Thank You Holy Spirit for protecting me from a traffic accident.” “Please bless the cashier Lord…bring healing to her injury”.
Bottom line is, we shouldn’t think of prayer as something we “have to do”. It should become “who we are”….we should live a lifestyle of prayer and intercession. In this way, we can remain mindful to pray without ceasing just as it is written in Scripture.
Colorado Prays helps believers develop a lifestyle of prayer through 4 ongoing, statewide prayer initiatives.
Check out the Church Prayer Watch initiative where pastors and prayer leaders are encouraged to engage their congregation in a Monthly Church Prayer Watch.
Believers can join a local Civic Prayer Team (or better yet, start one for their community).
Individuals can join a statewide Field of Harvest Prayer Team which is focused on a topic such as education, arts, media, Israel, Issues of Life, Family, government and more.
Groups and individuals can engage in the County Prayer Watch initiative. Each County is assigned a day of the month for the County Prayer Watch. Individuals can sign up for a 1-2 hour Prayer Promise to cover the county in 24-hour prayer. Groups could host a live County Prayer Watch held at a convenient location in the county.
Can There be Too Much Prayer?
August 30, 2024
It's Time!
It is easy to understand what climate is in the natural - rain, heat, cold, humidity, etc. However, have you ever considered
the spiritual climate of your home, church, community or your state? Most of the time a room or building seems at peace and yet sometimes you get a creepy evil feeling when entering a certain location. That feeling is a recognition of the spiritual climate.
For too long, THE CHURCH of Colorado has left our cities' spiritual climate to the powers of darkness. The evidence is all around. Anger and rage are rampant on Colorado streets and highways. Crime rate continues to increase with little justice to correct it. Too many people live with depression and hopelessness which leads to addictions and suicides.
It is time for God’s people, the Ecclesia, to shift the spiritual climate in their community!
An example of changing the spiritual climate in Manchester, Kentucky in 2004.
Back then, Manchester was the Oxycodone capital of our nation - corruption was rampant at every level of the city government and addiction was affecting a lot of people. It resulted in 80% of high school students and their families being addicted to alcohol or drugs or both. 1-2 kids every week died due to drug overdose.
As Pastor Doug Abner said, “The problem wasn’t the darkness, it was the lack of the Light”. He and another pastor began to rally believers to pray and be the light in the community. Eventually, a corporate response shifted the spiritual climate across the whole county - 65 pastors and 3,500 citizens joined together in a solemn assembly down the main street of the city to declare that God was now in control!
Within weeks, drug dealers came to Jesus and God also used the FBI which swooped into town and arrested nearly every city leader involved in corruption. Many open city leadership positions were then filled by godly Christians and prayer increased. Teen Challenge opened a facility, employing a Christ-centered model of drug and alcohol recovery program for those in need. The city that was previously filled with hopelessness and depression became a thriving community with new job opportunities in tourism.
The story of Manchester, along with many other citywide and regional testimonies from The Sentinel Group, demonstrates what happens when believers in a community take control of the spiritual climate through corporate prayer and worship. It’s time to unite AS ONE (John 17) in prayer for Colorado!
Take a bold step today and engage in corporate prayer.
Your church can host a Church Prayer Watch.
You can join or start a Civic Prayer Team.
You can join or start a Field of Harvest Prayer Team.
Send me a text or email to suggest other ways to enlist corporate prayer in your community.
August 12, 2024
If you consider a time of prayer to be an opportunity to petition God to meet your needs, it may not take long to pray. However, if you consider a time of prayer to be a conversation with God; an opportunity to hear from Him, discern His will and pray for Kingdom issues, your prayer time could go on for hours without much effort.
Consider a simple model:
1. Worship. Start and end your prayer time with Worship. Read scriptures out loud that give reverence and adoration to God. Sing songs that cause you to worship who He is to you.
2. Repent & Forgive. Don’t let anything hinder your prayer time. Be sure you have the right heart and mind as you start your prayer hour. If you have unconfessed sin, bring it to the Lord and repent. If you are holding a grudge against someone, now is the time to forgive and allow God to move as you release forgiveness.
3. Ask & Listen. Ask the Lord what He would like you to pray about. Is it your family? Your church? Your community? Your state? Or should you focus on a specific topic such as media, education, government, marketplace, arts, etc?
4. Pray The Word. Once you discern the focus for your prayer time, look up scriptures that relate to your focus. Pray those out loud and support them with more prayer related to the topic.
5. Repeat. Continue to cycle through steps 4 and 5 until you feel that you have exhausted the prayer points for your focus.
6. Praise & Worship. Close your time by thanking God, praising Him and worshiping Him for the answers that you, in faith, expect to see manifest from your intercession.
If you need help with Prayer Points, download the Monthly Prayer
Digest from the Colorado Prays website at
The Monthly Prayer Digest provides prayer points on a variety of topics.
I pray blessings on your time with the Lord!
How to pray for an hour.
July 26, 2024
Pray Without Ceasing.
​1 Thessalonians 5:17 exhorts us to “pray without ceasing”. It is the only thing that the Bible tells us is God’s will for us to do continuously. Most believers fail to exercise this privilege of a private, non-stop conversation with God throughout their day. Those who do exercise the practice of praying without ceasing, discover a greater awareness of the presence of God in every aspect of their life and they experience more of His power and authority as they pray.
The surrounding verses in the book of 1 Thessalonians also tell us to “Rejoice always” and “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Be intentional to rejoice and give thanks in every circumstance, which is more conversation with God. If you want to be in God’s will, I encourage you to be persistent and consistent in your prayer life. By doing so, you will develop a greater awareness of God’s Presence and His power in your life.
If you need help knowing what to pray, download the monthly Prayer Digest from Colorado Prays.
It provides 9 pages of prayer points each month. You can access the Prayer Digest here:
July 12, 2024
In 1727, the Moravian Community of Herrnhut in Saxony started the first protestant round-the-clock “Prayer Watch” which continued non-stop for over one hundred years with 2-3 people sustaining the prayer wall every hour of the day.
Sixty five years into the 7x24 Prayer Watch, the original small Moravian community of over 300 refugees had prayed nonstop and sent over 300 missionaries around the world who built, transformed and sustained hundreds of churches and communities.
The Colorado Prays Church Prayer Watch and the County Prayer Watch are both patterned after the Moravian Prayer Watch model. Churches can host a monthly 24-hour Church Prayer Watch at their church, via a Zoom meeting or through people praying from their prayer closets at home.
The County Prayer Watch can be virtual with people praying from home or they can be hosted by someone in the county and take place at a physical location. Over 60 churches and groups currently host a Church Prayer Watch which now covers Colorado in non-stop prayer.
The goal now is to see 30+ churches and groups in each county hosting a Prayer Watch which covers the county in a wall of day and night prayer.
If people in the 1700’s who did not have technology can sustain non-stop prayer, then so can the believers of Colorado today.
Click here to learn how you can host a Church Prayer Watch:​​​​​
Learn about participating in a County Prayer Watch HERE:
Non-Stop, Day and Night Prayer Changes things.
June 28, 2024
Corporate Prayer
Corporate Prayer (praying out loud with other people for other people) is ordained by God and brings about change. The book of Acts repeatedly shows believers praying corporately and things changing. One such instance is when Paul and Silas were praying and worshipping together in jail. The earth shook causing the prison doors to supernaturally open up and set them, and all of the prisoners, free. In the process, the jailer and his family came to faith in Jesus.
In more recent times, many of the transformational historical revivals were ignited when believers gathered together in corporate, community wide prayer meetings. In the beginning of the Hebrides Revival on the Island of Lewis, the people were so desperate for reprieve from dead, legalistic churches that turned off young people and caused a “spiritual winter” on the Island that they turned to corporate prayer. In extraordinary obedience to the call to prayer and repentance from two elderly sisters, pastors, local men and others prayed together twice a week from 10pm to 3am in the middle of winter inside barns and other unheated buildings. After several weeks of united, persistent corporate prayer, these prayer meetings evolved into prolonged times of humble repentance and cries for mercy. That intense intercession and repentance attracted the Presence of God which fell on the entire village and launched the Hebrides Revival.
Are you ready to experience an extraordinary move of God in your community? Ignite your faith by organizing and engaging in prolonged, heartfelt corporate prayer that creates a landing place for God’s Presence.
June 14, 2024
I recently heard a message from Suzette Hattingh (a powerful intercessor in S. Africa) in which she shared that crying out to God to “bring revival again” is limiting God to what He did back then when, in reality, our God is limitless! We should not limit Him to what He did back then even though it was awe inspiring. We need to believe that He will do far greater things in our time!
Those greater things start with us. Every historical revival started with personal prayer and individual transformation which led to corporate prayer and community wide transformation. In the Welch Revival, the people cried out to God asking Him to “Bend Me!” (transform me). Recently, we have heard that same cry of “Bend me” from believers in Southern California as thousands have been simultaneously baptized at Huntington State Beach.
Are you willing to ignite your faith by asking God to “Bend me!”? Are you willing to remove all limits from what you expect Him to do in your life and in your community by simply praying “Come Lord Jesus, Come!” and “Your will be done in my life and my community.”? I encourage you to pray those three things every day.
Until next time…
Ignite Your Faith!
40,000 people from over 400 Christian churches uniting to pray for everyone in the city by name! Churches creating a no-competition zone among themselves choosing to cooperate with God for supernatural transformation of the city. Let it happen here in Colorado Lord God!!
Awaken Nashville: Praying for every person in the city
Why Your Church Should Pray For Revival
Do you want your church to experience the great blessing that God offers through revival? Are you toiling for the wrong things in your church? Are satisfied with church as usual? Do you want more of God for your congregation and city?
God's People Lack Purity
God is all-powerful which means there is no shortage of Divine Power in the world, but there IS a shortage of human purity. God's power follows purity. He is looking for people with pure hearts to fill them with His power.
Experiencing Divine Discontent
Have you experienced Divine Discontent - a dissatisfaction with life and church as usual? Do you have a longing for more of God? Are you called to something bigger than what you are doing now? If you want something more for your life, we challenge you to seek God with all your heart.
Are You Sure YOu Want Revival?
True revival brings change. I mean real change. Hearts are transformed. Relationships are healed and much more. However, there is a cost to seeing revival in your lifetime and it starts with you. Do you really want to see revival in your lifetime?
Transforming Revival Starts With You
As you seek God for forgiveness and choose to repent, He will transform you more and more into His likeness. As you are transformed more into His likeness, you will reflect His glory and impact the world around you. As more people like you seek God and are transformed, the whole community can be transformed. SEEK GOD Today!
2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.hat's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Instruments in God's Symphony:
Sermon Notes
Have you experienced Divine Discontent - a dissatisfaction with life and church as usual? Do you have a longing for more of God? Are you called to something bigger than what you are doing now? If you want something more for your life, we challenge you to seek God with all your heart.
My House Shall be Called a House of Prayer - Jim Cymbala
Jesus said, "my house is a house of prayer." So why are most churches non-praying places? Jim Cymbala shares how his church the Brooklyn Tabernacle became a praying church in New York. He also shares his own journey of having a wayward child, and how God spoke to him through that experience.
Are You In love With Jesus?
This segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens addresses the concept of being in love with Jesus as a prelude to personal and corporate revival. Check it out!
Jason Hubbard - Inspiration for Colorado Prays
Awesome time of worship and ministry at Bridgeway prior to Jason Hubbard's talk about HOPE and testimony of God's handiwork in Bellingham, WA after 10 years of 24/7 prayer. The 1Church Initiative is patterned after the Lighthouse World of Prayer Center in Bellingham. The worship and prayer is powerful. Jason's talk starts around 1:33.
What Does it Look Like to be Saturated in God's Presence?
Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear what it looks like to be saturated in God's Presence.
How do Hunger & Humility Affect Revival?
Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear about communities that show how hunger and humility attract God's healing Presence.
Is There Power in Agreement in Prayer?
Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear how agreement in prayer brings the body of Christ into alignment.
How Can Hopelessness Lead to Expectancy?
Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear how communities in Fiji and America have moved from hopelessness to expectancy of God's goodness.
Humility in Manchester, KY - Leads to Transformation
Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear how the characteristic of humility spurs revival by leading to repentance and forgiveness. Testimony of Manchester, KY.