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Civic prayer teamS

A Civic Prayer Team prays for the needs of the community and intercedes for every city leader by name.

Vision & Mission


The Vision is to shift the spiritual climate in every Colorado county so that every person and sphere of society comes into alignment with God's design and purpose.  


.The Mission of a Civic Prayer Team is to establish a prayer team in every county or city that:

  1. Prays together regularly for the county or city

  2. Meets with local leaders to pray for them and obtain prayer requests

  3. Publishes a Quarterly County Prayer Guide which goes to churches across the county or city.

When we unite to pray for our community, two things happen:

  1. God hears from heaven and responds in incredible ways.

  2. God gives us His heart for our city and moves us to be His answer to the problems that it faces.

Join A Civic Prayer Team

Join an online group for the Civic Prayer Team

Attend a Civic Prayer Team Meeting

Lead a Civic Prayer Team


We need seasoned prayer leaders who are willing to organize and lead a regularly scheduled Prayer Call for a Colorado county or city (at least once a month) . You don't have to live in the county to lead prayer for the county. 


Questions?    Send an Email

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