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Our Values

We are a relational network of Jesus-followers and Christian churches and ministries that believe in the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the authority and infallibility of God’s Word; the virgin birth, sinless life, deity, crucifixion, and bodily resurrection of Jesus; salvation only through faith in Jesus; and the physical return of Jesus Christ to earth. We affirm the Statement of Faith adopted by the National Association of Evangelicals. With regard to all other doctrines, we adopt this approach: “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.”

Members of the organization pray together around the following core values. These values define our culture and shape our initiatives. They are in sync with the values of - our partner ministry focused on raising non-stop prayer in every state in America.









1. Christ-Centered: We seek to honor Jesus Christ in everything we do and say. We strive to put Christ first and give Him the preeminence in all things as described in Col 1: 15-18. There is no room in the Colorado Prays for pride, self-promotion or arrogant boasting. We live for His glory and His renown, not to exalt ourselves, our church, or our ministry. The primary motivation behind everything we do must be to honor Jesus and give Him the supremacy. Jesus is the CEO of Colorado Prays and we are His servants. It’s not about us—it’s all about Jesus.


​2. Bible-Saturated: We believe the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God, and the only foundation for life. We want God’s Word to saturate our lives and permeate everything we do. The Bible is our ultimate authority and our moral compass. We strive to be men and women who meditate daily in the Word and apply it to our personal lives, much like the early followers of Christ.   Acts 2:42, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” We seek to build our lives and ministry on obedience to God’s Word. It is only the Bible that has the power to purify us, transform us, and keep us in the path of eternal life. 


​3. Love-Motivated: We are motivated by Jesus’ two greatest commandments to love God and love people (Matthew 22:37-40). Love is the essence of who God is, what He expects from us, and what He offers to us. Love is the goal, the purpose, the motivating force, the outcome, and the culmination of everything we do at Colorado Prays.  Jesus held up love as the most important benchmark of discipleship, saying in John 13:35, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Jesus didn’t say that the world will know we are His disciples when we love Him, but when we love one another. What shows the world that God is real is not when we express our love for God, but when we genuinely love one another. We will serve each other in love and make allowances for each other’s faults. Love will be the ultimate benchmark of our success.


​4. Discipleship-Driven: We believe that radical devotion to Christ should be the norm, not the exception. We are called to make disciples, not just converts. We are driven by a desire in to see the Great Commission fulfilled where Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:19, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”


​5. Local Church-Based: The church is God’s primary vehicle to bring salvation, healing, hope, and transformation to a broken world. We honor and respect the authority and leadership of each of Bible-believing, Christ-centered denomination and organization and support their calling. We partner with pastors and prayer leaders to cover their communities in 24/7 prayer. Pastors have to champion prayer in their church or their church will never become a house of prayer.  Jesus said in Mark 11:17, “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Christians like to talk about prayer being removed from public schools as the point in American history where our nation turned away from God. But the problem in America today isn’t just the lack of prayer in public schools…it’s the lack of prayer in churches and in the homes of believers. Our dream is to see every church and community across Colorado develop a culture of prayer.


​6. Spirit-Empowered: By the grace of God, we submit our plans and decisions to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We humbly recognize that we are dependent on God and can’t do anything apart from Jesus (John 15:5) and the Help of the Holy Spirit  (John 16:13).  Once we hear the Holy Spirit as he instructs us through the Scriptures, we will boldly follow his lead as we partner with Him to glorify Jesus in all that we do (John 16:14).


​7. Unity-Focused: Theology was meant to be a tool to help us grow in our relationship with God, not a wall to divide us. Jesus prayed in John 17:21 that His followers would be one just as He and the Father are one “so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” The greatest witness to the world that Jesus is the Son of God is the unity of His church. We are focused on building and sustaining unity between pastors and churches from many different denominations and movements. There is no room in Colorado Prays for anything that causes division, namely: pride, selfishness, a judgmental spirit, unresolved conflicts, jealousy, or gossip. Rather, we will serve one another in humility, prefer one another before ourselves, show mercy, resolve conflicts before they turn into offenses, celebrate one another’s success, and protect each other’s reputations.  Ephesians 4:3 commands us, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” We lay aside theological differences for the sake of working together to accomplish the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations.


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