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    In PrAYer

Family Praying

Colorado Prays partners with people who have a heart to sponsor prayer initiatives that encourage people to adopt people and places in prayer.  You can connect with these initiatives from this page.

Adopt a Cop (needs a sponsor/leader)
Adopt a School (needs a sponsor/leader)
Adopt a Legislator in Prayer 
Sponsor: Amy Tyndale

1Timothy 2: 1-4 encourages us to intercede for those in positions of authority.  God loves each person in our Colorado legislature.  He wants us to pray for them to be saved and to live righteous lives.


"First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1Tim 2:1-4

You are invited to adopt one or more persons in our Colorado legislature in prayer.


The vision is to have each elected official adopted in prayer by people who are committed to praying diligently for that official on a daily or weekly basis. Each Legislator can have many intercessors adopting them to surround them with loving prayer.


Prayer Commitment
  1. Choose one or more legislators to adopt.  Click here if you want to Find the name of the Legislator for your address.

  2. Click here to Sign Up telling us which legislator(s) you will "Adopt" in prayer.

  3. Get to know the person you have adopted in prayer so you can pray with understanding (Prov 18:15).

  4. Reach out to let your "Adopted Legislator" know that you are interceding for them. Call them or send them an email or postcard.  Click here to find their contact information.


Prayer Guidelines

  • Pray with compassion (see life of Jesus and His heart for the lost).

  • Pray diligently and consistently. Eph 6:18, 1 Thess 5:17

  • Seek the Holy Spirit for strategic prayer for your official, God knows their heart Ps 139

  • Pray from a foundation of love. Matt 22:39

  • Bless them. Romans 12:14

  • Pray for their salvation, as needed. 2 Pet 3:9

  • Find a prayer guide online - Check out Billy Graham's Prayers for Our Leaders.



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