Good morning! This is your friendly reminder that our monthly Elbert County prayer call is TOMORROW, Thursday June 20 at 7 am.
Call in information is below!
Hope to see you there! Prayer intercessors for our county, state and nation and world are needed NOW more than ever before!
Take care, "see" you tomorrow!
Mary Powell
Prayer Call Info
Date: 3rd Thursday 7am - 7:45 am
Conference Call Info:
(425) 436-6315
Access Code: 5531736
Good morning! Great prayer call this morning!
Attached are notes from today - please pray through these throughout the next month.
Our THEME was being a watchman - for purposes of a) warning others; b) being alert to snares of Satan; and c) watching and being ready for the Lord's return!
My prayer for each of us is that we grow in our responsibilities as WATCHMEN - and have the boldness to do what the Lord wants us to do with what we see, and that we are all ready for the Lord's return, and help to prepare others to be ready as well!
Have a blessed day!
Mary Powell