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Sermons on Prayer
By Pastor Kevin Clark of Encompass Church, Parker CO

Teachings on
transforming revival

By Rev. Steve Loopstra of Yes! I See Him!

Steve Loopstra is a seasoned teacher of The Word with a heart to guide people toward experiencing God's powerful presence for themselves and for their community.   He posts short podcast teachings every Monday and Thursday. Check them out each week!

My House Shall be Called a House of Prayer - Jim Cymbala

Jesus said, "my house is a house of prayer." So why are most churches non-praying places? Jim Cymbala shares how his church the Brooklyn Tabernacle became a praying church in New York. He also shares his own journey of having a wayward child, and how God spoke to him through that experience.

Are You In love With Jesus?

This segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens addresses the concept of being in love with Jesus as a prelude to personal and corporate revival.  Check it out!

Jason Hubbard - Inspiration for Colorado Prays

Awesome time of worship and ministry at Bridgeway prior to Jason  Hubbard's talk about HOPE and testimony of God's handiwork in Bellingham, WA after 10 years of 24/7 prayer.  The 1Church Initiative is patterned after the Lighthouse World of Prayer Center in Bellingham.  The worship and prayer is powerful.  Jason's talk starts around 1:33.

What Does it Look Like to be Saturated in God's Presence?

Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear what it looks like to be saturated in God's Presence.

How do Hunger & Humility Affect Revival?

Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear about communities that show how hunger and humility attract God's healing Presence.

Is There Power in Agreement in Prayer?

Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear how agreement in prayer brings the body of Christ into alignment.

How Can Hopelessness Lead to Expectancy?

Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear how communities in Fiji and America have moved from hopelessness to expectancy of God's goodness.

Humility in Manchester, KY - Leads to Transformation

Check out this segment of P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Saturation Happens to hear how the characteristic of humility spurs revival by leading to repentance and forgiveness. Testimony of Manchester, KY.

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