Good afternoon and happy new year!
I have some mid month updates with prayer opportunities coming up. Adams County's date of February 6th for prayer at the capitol is fast approaching. I have received instructions from them on logistics which will be discussed in detail at the January Adams County Civic Prayer team meeting scheduled for Monday, January 15th at 11:30am. I will include details in the minutes so as to not make this a lengthy e-mail. Just note that if you plan on attending we will be meeting at 8:30am in the basement Rotunda and plan to stay as long as you like. If you are planning on attending and would like the detailed information ahead of time please request it from me. Please feel free to invite any and all churches or anyone else who would like to gather with us to pray for Colorado and the current legislative session. Second, here is the link where you can register for the Dreams, Visions and Prophecy Gathering, formally "Hearing from God" that has been rescheduled. Registration is free but required. Attached are the prayer link declarations for January 13th if you follow along with those as well as the Colorado Prays prayer points for January. I look forward to praying with you all this year! Blessings, Kyla Stopperan