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Colorado Life Initiative

Public·11 members

Please pray w/us as we are nearing the end of the petition circulation.

Please pray for the petitions to be full w/valid signatures and may God turn our loaves and fishes into a suffucient number to stop killing our babies.

May he give us people in the Secretary of States office to review our petitions that have the heart of the Hebrew midwives and save our babies.

May he protect each petition and affidavit correction and get it to Jennifer and ultimately to the SOS to be sufficient and counted.

May he protect everyone who is diligently fighting for your children from the petitioners, to the regional teams to the task force members and co-proponents. Pray He guides us and directs us.

Join us on the CLI Prayer Call today at noon-1pm.

Dial-in number (US): (605)313-5646

Access code: 2864349


Welcome to the group! Join us in prayer while we protect inn...
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