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FOH Weekly Prayer for Colorado

Public·45 members

Hello everyone:

Mary Powell here. I know you all have been praying about the abortion bill in Colorado, and look for updates. I am saddened to report that as of about 1 p m yesterday, 4/4/22, HB22-1279, Reproductive Healthcare Equality Act, is now Colorado law, signed by Governor Polis.

May God have mercy on Governor Polis and on all of the legislators who voted in this horrific law.

Below is a link to an article from which reports on the signing, and on the points in the new law.

Additionally, in a 4/4/22 email from Giuliana Day, President of Life Decisions and the leader of one of the campaigns in 2020 to prohibit abortion in Colorado after 22 weeks (Prop 115 on the 2020 Ballot), she states the following:

“…because of your efforts testifying against RHEA, Governor Polis acknowledged some of our concerns by adding a signing statement indicating that: “The bill does not make any changes to the current legal framework for parental notification that exists in state law. This bill will also prevent any person from being forced to end or continue a pregnancy, and ensure that no one is forced to perform or have an abortion against their will or conscience,” However, be aware that signing statements are not part of the legislative process and have no legal effect. “

In other words, Governor Polis is trying to assure us with something that has no real legal effect so that our guard goes down.

Well, we as the Church are called for such a time as this! This is not about politics; it is about our stated belief in the sanctity of LIFE and other Biblical values and upholding them! We CANNOT let our guard be down, we cannot afford to be complacent.

HOWEVER, the other side of the coin is that, again, we are called to action like never before. Just because there is now a stronger and more definitive abortion law, doesn’t mean we are helpless. We can HELP SAVE BABIES’ LIVES~ We can act to help in the following ways:

1) PRAY for women in crisis pregnancies to be supernaturally directed to go to places like Alternatives Pregnancy Center (APC) for help, instead of directly to a Planned Parenthood location or to a doctor directly who does abortions.

2) PRAY for these women’s hearts to be turned to realizing that the baby growing in them (NOT just a FETUS) is indeed a human being with full rights, just as the mothers themselves have.

3) If we know of any women in a crisis pregnancy, listen to them, encourage them, give then info on APC (see website below) and pray for and with them.

4) EDUCATE ourselves related to abortion law in Colorado, who the legislators are who voted and signed this in, AND VOTE THEM OUT in November!

5) STAY INFORMED about what is going on in our Colorado and National legislatures! Communicate your opinions by emailing or calling your legislators, and even testifying in front of the committees. We can’t let things keep sliding by us because we don’t engage in keeping informed. Here is a link to look up and follow bills in the Colorado legislature.

6) Promote and help with EDUCATION for young women AND men regarding family values, Biblical sexual morality, etc. Support Youth Groups which provide this education. AGAIN, support APC which has an Education arm which does this kind of training.

7) DONATE to resources which can help – We often only think of them in January during Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. BUT THEY NEED YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT ALL THE TIME to provide the services to help women choose LIFE! In addition to Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, perhaps include APC or another pro-life crisis pregnancy center as one of the missions that your church might support!

8) Check out the APC website at: to DONATE and to learn about the organization! You could even volunteer to be a counselor, with training provided by APC.

Outside of the metro area is an organization called Save The Storks (, which has a program of providing mobile units in various geographical areas not served otherwise, for ultrasounds and counseling.

Also, Focus on the Family has a program to provide grants to qualifying pregnancy medical centers to assist in purchasing ultrasound machines and sonography training for their staff. (

You may know of others also. They ALL need our help!

9) Attend events that will help you understand and stay informed. SEE the invitation below for those in the Denver metro area, which is for an event THIS THURSDAY in Centennial. Everyone is welcome!


Speakers - Giuliana Day, President of Life Decisions

Dr. Tom Perille, Internal Medicine, President of Democrats for Life

Dr. Catherine Wheeler, Ob/Gyn

Their topic: "Share the Truth about the Reality of Abortion in Colorado and related bills"

WHEN: Thursday, April 7, 5:30 pm

WHERE: Koelbel LIbrary, Meeting Room B

5955 S. Holly St., Centennial, CO 80121

Event is FREE for all!

This is coming right up - please try to come.

Giuliana Day and Dr. Perille are also open to doing one of these events in your community too. Please contact her for more info!

10) Share information with others about events like the above which help us all to learn how to help.

11) Share info with others on other ways you know to change the tide and help women choose LIFE!

Thanks everyone!

Mary Powell

Call Details

This prayer team intercedes for the people of Colorado The w...

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