Jefferson County Prayer Call Notes
Wednesdays @ Noon
Call: (701) 802-5056,,,,8289611#
March 10, 2021
Karen (Arvada)
Donna (Arvada)
Katherine (Arvada)
Roz (Arvada)
Body of Christ
Ps 67:5: No wonder the peoples praise You! Let all the people praise You more!
You are King of kings and Lord of lords.
You hold all things minute and vast in Your hand.
You are the God of power. You have all power. Nothing supplants You.
We ask Your love penetrate those in Jeffco.
We ask the multitudes to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
We ask You to break the cedars and wash over us in Your power.
We ask for strength for the body of Christ.
We ask that Your people would see and know truth, turn from their wicked ways.
We ask that You help us to see others.
Ps 25:5-We wait on You expectantly.
We call for people to flood into Your churches and to hear You.
We ask for supernatural strength of Your Holy
Is 40:31
Neh 8:10
We ask that You restore to us the joy of our salvation.
We declare a “regroup” for Jeffco and those in the body of Christ.
Is 30:15-We declare that the body of Christ will return to the Lord God Almighty and rest in Him. We will be quiet and confident in the Lord alone.
We declare that the body of Christ will trust completely in the Lord.
Jude 3-We ask that You will teach us how to contend and defend our faith.
2 Tim 3
We ask for wisdom and instruction for pastors and the body of Christ to navigate new ground.
We declare Mark 16:15-20 and Mt 28:18-20.
We ask for You to pour out Your Holy Spirit as we are powerless and desperate for You!
Esther-We declare we are here for this time and will do what You want us to do day by day.
Help us to hear Your voice.
We ask to be laborers in Your harvest field.
We ask that You would teach us to fast individually and as a body.
Pr 3:5-6
We declare over Jeffco we will be fruitful in the land of the suffering. We will have hope in the place of no hope. We will have the oil of gladness and healing. People will find You, Lord.
We ask for deep, deep desperation to drive people to believers or churches to hear the gospel.
We ask that You would drive believers to discipleship.
We bring down the spirit of isolation and division and declare close fellowship within the body.
We bring the spirit of unrest to You, Lord and ask that You would deal with it.
We declare that the Holy Spirit would reign and rule.
Pr 31:8-9
We cry out the Righteous Justice of the Universe to bring justice to the earth now in Jesus’ name.