Psalm 110:3 TPT Your people will be Your love offerings. In the day of Your mighty power You will be exalted, and in the brightness of Your holy ones You will shine as an army arising from the womb of the dawn...
Arise now, My beloved, arise.
Bring Me your desires, your will.
Make them an offering before Me,
for you are My bright, beautiful ones.
I will display your love as My cherished triumph
before the enemy.
My glory will rise upon you, My brilliant ones.
I give you holy orders.
I give you strength to conquer.
Arise now and keep My charge.
For the time has come to
turn on the Light in the darkness.
The darkness has no power to stop the Light.
The enemy has no means to
keep Me from My inheritance or to
quiet the voice of My chosen ones,
as you speak in the heavenlies My words,
My mandate.
Arise now, My chosen.
Keep the charge.
Stand upon My high place.
See the approach of glory.
Prepare to bear My flame to light
the way before the Bridegroom's host.
It is time to arise.