Hello everyone! REMINDER that tomorrow morning, from 7 am to 8 am, is our monthly ELBERT COUNTY - COVER THE COUNTY prayer call! Since this is last prayer call before election, we will also, of course, pray for the election and other national issues that are highly pertinent right now.
Prayer Call Info
Date: 3rd Thursday 7am - 8am
Conference Call Info:
(425) 436-6315
Access Code: 5531736
AFTER Praise, Thanksgiving and Repentance, our prayer points will be:
A. Prayer for President Trump, Congress, Governor Polis, Colorado General Assembly, and all local representatives.
B. Prayer for Election integrity, and that our biblical values will be upheld through who is elected at all government levels.
C. For the Judicial Committee hearings ongoing this week for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, for the civility and truthfulness of the process, and for swift and easy confirmation through the full Senate.
D. For Elbert County Sheriff Tim Norton, for protection for him and all of his staff, AND that he can find and train additional officers that they are looking for.
E. For Elbert County generally, to have a spirit of peace and calm in the midst of the crazy storm that is in our country right now.
F. That the ballot proposition in the town of Kiowa to be able to sell recreational and medicinal marijuana there, will be defeated. I understand that in Littleton, they also have a ballot initiative to be able to sell recreational marijuana (I think they already can sell medicinal).
G. For Elbert County Schools, for protection of students, teachers and administrators, from sickness and all forms of unrest and violence. That the students are getting a good and true education.
H. For all Elbert County citizens, and all Colorado citizens, that they will understand their right, privilege and obligation to vote, and that they will vote for biblical values.
Have a blessed day! Hope to hear you all on the call tomorrow morning!
Mary Powell