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FOH Weekly Prayer for Colorado

Public·45 members

Colorado Weekly Prayer Call Sept 25, 2023

Amy Everette (Parker) Janet (Montrose) Karen (Parker) Ann (Castle Rock) Deb (Littleton) Shirley (Monte Vista) Tony & Hazel (Henderson) Jan (Castle Rock) Collette (Aurora) Carol (Boulder) Karen (Pagosa Springs) Beth (Thornton) Karis (Montrose)

Mondays @ 9:15am

(425) 436-6328 Access Code: 3449888# *6 to Mute/Unmute

Colorado Prays Fund Raiser

A Night of Funny Business

Thursday, Sept 28


$25/per $40/couple

Can’t Attend?

Consider donating to Colorado Prays to expand the network of prayer statewide. _____________________________________________________________

Prayer Focus: Family

Key Scriptures:

1Cor 13: 4-8 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”



· We decree Ps 47 Go ahead and celebrate! Come on and clap your hands, everyone! Shout to God with the raucous sounds of joy! 2The Lord God Most High is astonishing, awesome beyond words! He’s the formidable and powerful King over all the earth. 3He’s the one who conquered the nations before us and placed them all under our feet. 4He’s marked out our inheritance ahead of time, putting us in the front of the line, honoring Jacob, the one he loves. Pause in his presence 5God arises with the earsplitting shout of his people! God goes up with a trumpet blast! 6Sing and celebrate! Sing some more, celebrate some more! Sing your highest song of praise to our King! 7For God is the triumphant King; all the powers of the earth are his. So sing your celebration songs of highest praise to the glorious Enlightened One! 8Our God reigns over every nation. He reigns on his holy throne over all. 9All the nobles and princes, the loving servants of the God of Abraham, they all gather to worship. Every warrior’s shield is now lowered as surrendered trophies before this King. He has taken his throne, high and lofty, exalted over all! We worship You Lord God

· We decree Ps 100 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his[a]; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

· We decree Ps 24: 7-10 Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty— he is the King of glory.

· We declare that Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings over all of Colorado.

· We decree Ps 99:5 Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy.

· We decree Rev 4: 4-11 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 5 From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits[a] of God. 6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’[b] who was, and is, and is to come.” 9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

· We thank You Lord that You alone are worthy.

· We praise You Lord that the elders are still bowing down, the living creatures still declare Holy, Holy , Holy…..we agree with heaven to honor and praise and worship You Lord God.

· We decree Ps 62: 1-2 Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. 2 Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

· 1John 4:19

· Thank You Lord for sending Your Son to us to show us what love really look like.

· We praise You Lord that through Your mercy we are not consumed by evil….we thank You Lord that your grave and mercy and compassion is faithful towards us. Thank You Lord that You are our portion day by day.

· We decree Lam 3: 22-25 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”25 The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;

· We decree Ps 89:1 I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.

· We praise You Lord that You love Your sheep and protect us… Thank You Lord that Your sheep recognize Your voice and follow You. Thank You Lord for leading us into paths of Your Light and Life.

· We decree Ps 99: 1-3 he Lord reigns, let the nations tremble; He sits enthroned between the cherubim,

· let the earth shake. 2 Great is the Lord in Zion; he is exalted over all the nations. 3 Let them praise your great and awesome name— he is holy.

· Mic 7: 18-20


· Gen 12: 2-3 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.[a] 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”[b]

· We thank you Lord that You want to bless us ….every family across Colorado.

· We call the people of Colorado into the family of God…..into His loving arms which are wide open for each one.

· Return to the Lord and He will return to you.

· Ps 101: 1-4 I will sing of your love and justice; to you, Lord, I will sing praise. 2 I will be careful to lead a blameless life— when will you come to me? I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart. 3 I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it. 4 The perverse of heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with what is evil.

· Let no worthless thing gain hold on families across Colorado….let every family walk in the integrity of the glory and righteousness of the Lord God Almighty.

· We declare that eyes and ears are open to hear and see the glory of our God.

· We declare alignment of every person with the holiness and righteousness of Jesus Christ

· Ex 23

· We declare that we are in awe of You who pardons sins and delights to show mercy and grace to us. We thank you Lord for Your forgiveness and Your precious love which gives us new life daily.

· Forgive each person Lord God who falls short of Your holiness and righteousness

· Let each Colorado believer walk in holiness and righteousness to reflect God’s Light to those around us.

· We thank You Lord for the generations that have gone before us and to our relatives today….let each one know the fullness of Your glory.

· We call the family of Colorado back into our God’s original intent for the familyyy.

· Matt 11:15 Let the prodigals and lost ones have encounters with God that draw them into His loving arms.

· We declare that families across Colorado now flow with Holy Spriit

· We decree Ps 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Let every Colorado family reflect this scripture.

· We declare that Christian children today in Colorado will shine so brightly that others will see and want to walk in their ways with Jesus.

· We ask Lord for forgiveness to flow in Colorado families…where each one forgives the other.

· We call families in God’s divine order….out of chaos into peaceful order. Man between and man and a woman.

· We declare that the house of the Colorado Ecclesia is not come into order…out of worldly ways and system of Babylon.

· We stand in the gap asking for forgiveness where we have allowed families to stray from Your ways Lord God.

· Forgive us Lord for allowing laws to be enacted that do not align with Your will for families. For allowing children to be harmed by abortion or transgender transitions.

· We thank You for Colorado families who have raised their children in the ways of the Word.

· We thank You for ministries such as See You at The Pole…let more pre-Christians be positively impacted by those who take a stand to honor and praise our God.

· We encourage believing families….let them remain strong and courageous to stand for God’s Truth in every situation…in love.

· Forgive our families in Colorado who have failed to honor You.

· We ask for forgiveness for allowing systems in schools that dishonor You and harm our children.

· Forgive us Lord for allow anger, bitterness and resentment to take hold in our lives when our children choose to walk away from You and the family.

· We decree Ps 68:1-3 May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him. 2 May you blow them away like smoke— as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God. 3 But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.

· We declare that all prodigals are now awakening to the Truth of who they are in God’s eyes and choose now to come home to the Kingdom of God.

· We thank You Lord that prodigals knew You at one time….and now start to yearn Your Presence once again.

· We declare that the bones of the prodigals and their families are now rebuilt and rejoined together AS ONE.

· We decree Luke 1:17 And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Unite our families in You Lord God. Let us be a people prepared as a family to be used for Your Glory Lord God as agents of change in our communities.

· We ask Lord that You expand the love in our hearts towards the difficult ones. Give us Your ability to love them well back to You and to us.

· Forgive us Lord for giving up on our prodigals…show us what we should do today to re-engage with our prodigals.

· The greatest commandment is to the Love the Lord and the second is to love our neighbors as ourselves…enable us Lord to love others as You love us.

· Let us not forget that strongholds are what are taking the prodigals away from the family.

· We decree Ps 18: 37-43 over parents crying out for their prodigals … I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. 38 I crushed them so that they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet. 39 You armed me with strength for battle; you humbled my adversaries before me. 40 You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes. 41 They cried for help, but there was no one to save them— to the Lord, but he did not answer. 42 I beat them as fine as windblown dust; I trampled them[f] like mud in the streets. 43 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people; you have made me the head of nations.

· Let us perceive the strongholds behind our prodigals and pursue them through worship and prayer.

· We declare that all curses of hate and anger are now broken and removed from our families. Let families now exude the love of Jesus in every interaction.

· We posture ourselves as the Father of the Prodigal…we stand with great expectancy awaiting the return of our prodigals. To receive them with great love.

· We declare that marriage is now returned as an institution of honor, respect, lifelong love and joy. Let couples be committed to one another for life….let the divorce rate now fall statewide.

· Let the covenant of marriage be restored as a holy commitment with one another and a covenant with our God.

· We thank You Lord that Your statutes are enduring forever and for our benefit…we ask for deep conviction among today’s generations to say yes and amen to the Lord’s commandments including marriage.

· We declare that all of Colorado is now saved…we look forward to the manifestation of this statewide based on Rom 4:17

· We pray that every believing family now calls forth the prodigals to return believing in hopeful expectation that it is happening now.

· We declare breakthrough for families that do not know You…Your Truth….like the jailer in Acts 16, let them have an awakening that draws them into salvation in Jesus Christ…let whole households come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

· We give You thanks, glory, honor and praise because we were prodigals and You drew us into Your loving arms….thank You for making that a reality for each of our families…for generations to come.

· Thank you Lord for wooing pre-believers into Your family Lord God.


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This prayer team intercedes for the people of Colorado The w...

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