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FOH Weekly Prayer for Colorado

Public·45 members

Colorado Weekly Prayer Call Dec 6, 2021

Amy Everette (Parker) Deb (Littleton) Janet (Montrose) Karen (Arvada) Mary (Elizabeth) Alt Lee (Colorado Springs) Ann (Castle Rock) Joy & Doyle (Arvada) Evie (Parker)

Mondays @ 9:15am

(425) 436-6328 Access Code: 3449888#

Prayer Focus: Leadership and Leaders

Key Scripture: Is 9:6 A child has been born for us; a son has been given to us.[j] The responsibility of complete dominion will rest on his shoulders, and his name will be: The Wonderful One! The Extraordinary Strategist! The Mighty God![k] The Father of Eternity! The Prince[l] of Peace!



· We declare that Jesus is the leader over Colorado because the government is on Your shoulders.

· We thank You Lord for providing angelic hosts of ranks, orders and sizes to walk along

· We praise You Lord that You have guided us this far and will not leave us.

· 1Tim 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

· 1Tim 6:15-16 od, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

· We praise You Lord that You are above all things throughout all of Colorado.

· We exalt You Lord God as the God above all gods, the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Prince of peace and the sustainer of all things.

· We exalt You because the earth belongs to You.

· We acknowledge that we trust in You Lord God above all else as we acknowledge in all our ways across Colorado.

· We glorify You Lord God

· We bow our knees to You alone Lord God because You chose us to be Your children.


· We call forth those called by God into leadership positions across Colorado….to run for office, to step into your place of authority.

· We repent for not supporting conservatives that You have brought forth to run for political office.

· We ask for an awakening for Colorado believers to understand that each of us is responsible to step into the roles you have assigned to us.

· Ex 18:21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. We now look for able people who fear God and are trustworthy to support them as they step into leadership roles statewide.

· We pray for strong emotional, financial and spiritual support for men and women who step into leadership roles in politics, the pulpit or the marketplace.

· Lord God, raise up Aarons and Hurs who will stand alongside leaders across Colorado.

· We call forth leaders to love their spouse first and put them first in all things.

· We pray for deep, sensitive discernment for believers to support the right people in every leadership role.

· We for godly people to surround every leader in politics, the pulpit and the marketplace.

· 1Cor 1:27 We praise You Lord that You have chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

· We ask Lord for more people to be merciful and long-suffering regarding the leaders placed above them.

· We pray that every believer becomes love to those in leadership: to be Jesus and be examples to the leaders.

· We ask Lord that leaders across Colorado be girded up to stand strong in love in this season of chaos and turmoil.

· We intercede for pastors and leaders who have fallen….that they repent and seek restoration and are given the grace to receive complete restoration: empowered by other believers to walk in restoration.

· Rom 15: 1-7 Now, those who are mature[a] in their faith can easily be recognized, for they don’t live to please themselves but have learned to patiently embrace others in their immaturity.[b] 2 Our goal must be to empower others to do what is right and good for them, and to bring them into spiritual maturity. 3 For not even the most powerful one of all, the Anointed One, lived to please himself. His life fulfilled the Scripture that says: All the insults of those who insulted you fall upon me.[c] 4 Whatever was written beforehand is meant to instruct us in how to live. The Scriptures impart to us encouragement and inspiration so that we can live in hope and endure all things. 5 Now may God, the source of great endurance and comfort, grace you with unity among yourselves, which flows from your relationship with Jesus, the Anointed One.[d] 6 Then, with a unanimous rush of passion, you will with one voice glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 You will bring God glory when you accept and welcome one another as partners, just as the Anointed One has fully accepted you and received you as his partner.

· Matt 23:10 We pray that leaders learn and choose to operate in humility and the truth of the Word of God.

· Prov 10 We declare that words of wisdom now flow from the Ecclesia leaders who have true discernment

· We declare that leaders of the Ecclesia across Colorado now release teachings of the lovers of God are like living truth flowing from the fountain of life,

· We declare that every leader lives where with the River of Life flows.

· We declare that the River of Living, Healing water now flows from the top of the mountains in Colorado to the rest of the nation.

· We lift up unrighteous leaders across Colorado and declare that they now turn to righteousness as they are touched by the Healing Waters of God’s glory.

· Prov 11:25 Colorado leaders now live to bless others and pour out blessings in and through their businesses, ministry and political position.

· Is 58:11-12 We declare that the Ecclesia will now be repairers of the breach in every sphere of society.

· We declare that Nothing Without God means that Colorado now stands for life and for only what pleases God…..that Colorado is no longer a destination state for abortion.

· We call forth more Clarence Thomas justices into every court in Colorado and the nation.

· We declare that abortion in Colorado is now bound in heaven as we now become a state focused on life from womb to tomb.

· We proclaim Jesus Christ over Colorado.

· Prov 21 We declare that Colorado leaders demonstrate righteousness and justice for God’s glory.

· We declare that ungodly people are now being removed from every position of leadership in Colorado in the government, church and marketplace.

· We ask Lord for pure hearts and clean hands in every form of leadership across Colorado in every sphere of society.

· We ask Lord for pure hearts and clean hands among men and women in their homes….to receive revelation and wisdom for raising godly children and standing firm to protect the family.

· Let Kingdom alignment come forth in every Colorado family spiritually, emotionally, and truthfully.

· We speak grace over fathers across Colorado…to receive forgiveness and healing to become the fathers they are called to be.

· We speak forgiveness over children to let go of anger or resentment against their parents….to find strength in loving their parents in all situations.

· We thank You Lord for new leaders in education who will not bend to teaching lies or divisive courseware. Who will teach information that will encourage and lift up children.

· We praise You Lord that prayer is now being returned to schools in Colorado.

· We cancel lies and deception that has been taught to Colorado children…cleanse them Lord to wash out the divisive misinformation and lies that distorts their understanding of love and mercy.

· We release people across Colorado into greater wisdom and revelation to uncover curriculum that is not truth and boldness, confidence to implement corrections that those teachings.

· We declare that the seeds of God’s now word arises in every person who was deceived during their schools years….let the Light of Jesus now shine to repel the darkness and spring forth the seeds of Truth to come out deception statewide.

· We ask Lord that Your Light increase in every believer to show the love of Jesus everywhere the Ecclesia goes.

· We declare that there is no end to the peace of Jesus Christ across Colorado.

· We thank You Lord that more and more Godly people are stepping into leadership in Arts and Entertainment across Colorado to bring health, family-oriented films and programming to the world.

· We declare Phil 4:8 over Colorado leaders in the pulpit, the marketplace and politics. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Call Details

This prayer team intercedes for the people of Colorado The w...

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