Colorado Weekly Prayer Call Aug 8, 2022
Amy Everette (Parker) Deb (Littleton) Alt Lee (Colorado Springs) Janet (Montrose) Evie (Parker) Ann (Castle Rock) Mary (Longmont) Karen (Pagosa Springs) Desi (Denver)
(425) 436-6328 Access Code: 3449888#
Prayer Focus: Stretch My People Stretch
Key Scriptures:
· Isaiah 54:2 “Enlarge the place of your tent; Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; Lengthen your cords and strengthen your pegs.
· Is 3:5 The people will treat each other harshly; men will oppose each other; neighbors will fight. Youths will proudly defy the elderly and riffraff will challenge those who were once respected.
· Prov 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers and overwhelms all transgressions [forgiving and overlooking another’s faults]
· We love You Lord and praise You for Your greatness, goodness and righteousness.
· We love You Lord because You first loved us.
· We declare Your pre-eminence Lord God, Your holiness, Your omnipotence, Your glory
· We life You high Lord God.
· We thank You Lord as the Creator and Sustainer of all things
· Ps 138: 1-5 I will give You thanks with all my heart; I sing praises to You before the [pagan] gods. 2I will bow down [in worship] toward Your holy temple And give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word together with Your name. On the day I called, You answered me; and You made me bold and confident with [renewed] strength in my life. 4 All the kings of the land will give thanks and praise You, O Lord, When they have heard of the promises of Your mouth [which were fulfilled]. 5 Yes, they will sing of the ways of the Lord [joyfully celebrating His wonderful acts] For great is the glory and majesty of the Lord.
· Ps 81 Sing aloud to God our strength; Shout for joy to the God of Jacob (Israel). 2 Raise a song, sound the timbrel, The sweet sounding lyre with the harp. 3 Blow the trumpet at the New Moon, At the [b]full moon, on our feast day. 4 For this is a statute for Israel, An ordinance of the God of Jacob.
· Psa 29 Ascribe to the Lord, O [b]sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty and majesty of His holiness [as the creator and source of holiness]. 3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; The God of glory thunders; The Lord is over many waters. 4 The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. 5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars;Yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, And Sirion (Mount Hermon) like a young, wild ox. 7 The voice of the Lord rakes flames of fire (lightning). 8 The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. 9 The voice of the Lord [c]makes the doe labor and give birth And strips the forests bare; And in His temple all are saying, “Glory!” 10 The Lord sat as King at the flood; Yes, the Lord sits as King forever. 11 The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.
· We praise You God for You are wisdom Prov 8: 14-21 “Counsel is mine and sound wisdom; I am understanding, power and strength are mine. 15 “By me kings reign And rulers decide and decree justice. 16 “By me princes rule, and nobles, All who judge and govern rightly. 17 “I love those who love me; And those who seek me early and diligently will find me. 18 “Riches and honor are with me, Enduring wealth and righteousness (right standing with God). 19 “My fruit is better than gold, even pure gold, And my yield is better than choicest silver. 20 “I, [Wisdom, continuously] walk in the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice, 21 That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth and true riches, And that I may fill their treasuries.
· We declare that believers statewide now love their neighbors as themselves doing good for each person overflowing with the fruit of the spirit toward each one. (Gal 5:22-23)
· We give You permission Lord God to bend us….stretch us Lord to align with Your will
· Help us to focus on hope in You Lord God Job 13:15 Even though He kills me; I will hope in Him. Nevertheless, I will argue my ways to His face.
· Teach us Lord to bend toward You.
· Strip away the dross, hay and stubble from our lives Lord.
· Show us Lord where in the Word to feast on Your Truth
· Stir up the gifts in Your people across Colorado…..2Tim 1:6-7 That is why I remind you to [a]fan into flame the gracious gift of God, [that inner fire—the special endowment] which is in you through the laying on of my hands [with those of the elders at your ordination]. 7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].
· Let all fear and intimidation be burned out of our lives Lord God.
· Come Lord Jesus come….come Holy Spirit come,……come Lord God come.
· Psa 116: 1-7 I love the Lord, because He hears [and continues to hear] My voice and my supplications (my pleas, my cries, my specific needs). 2 Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I will call on Him as long as I live. 3 The cords and sorrows of death encompassed me, And the terrors of Sheol came upon me; I found distress and sorrow. 4 Then I called on the name of the Lord: “O Lord, please save my life!” 5 Gracious is the Lord, and [consistently] righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate. 6 [a]The Lord protects the simple (childlike); I was brought low [humbled and discouraged], and He saved me. 7 Return to your rest, O my soul, For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.
· We present our bodies to You Lord God as a living sacrifice.
· We declare Psa 1:3 over the Ecclesia of Colorado that we bend and do not break. And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity].
· Let Your people be stretched Lord as they each drink deeply from the river of Living Water flowing from the Throne room and Jesus Christ.
· We declare that the winds of Holy Spirit bend each believer back toward Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior with joy on the highway of holiness.
· We declare that the tent pegs of the Ecclesia across Colorado are so secure in Christ that we are each stretched to flow in Holy Spirit and bring in the harvest.
· Strengthen each one Lord that no matter what comes against us from neighbors, friends or family, we are able to stand strong and show the love conquers all.
· Let Your people spill out Jesus and His love everywhere we go across Colorado and the nations.
· May we represent You well Lord God day by day.
· We declare that the Ecclesia is more than conquers pouring our love and righteousness in season and out season.
· Let the stretching be healing and edifying for each member of the Colorado Ecclesia.
· Let the stretching return us to You Lord God as our source of normal.
· We acknowledge that you are the substance that holds us together You allow us to stretch for Your glory.
· Show us Lord how to change form to be Your servant in every situation.
· We declare that God’s perfect love allows us to overcome fear as we stretch into God’s will for our lives.
· We thank You Lord for power, love and a sound mind,
· We embrace the new wineskin Lord…..that we can receive the new wine in this season.
· Guide Your Ecclesia in Colorado Lord to stay on the narrow following behind You like a child…may we be obedient to Your every move.
· Thank You Lord for pouring Your oil into us that Your Presence guides us and protects and fills us with what we need day by day.
· Col 3:12-17 12 So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper]; 13 bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive. 14 Beyond all these things put on and wrap yourselves in [unselfish] love, which is the perfect bond of unity [for everything is bound together in agreement when each one seeks the best for others]. 15 Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. To this peace indeed you were called as members in one body [of believers]. And be thankful [to God always]. 16 Let the [spoken] word of Christ have its home within you [dwelling in your heart and mind—permeating every aspect of your being] as you teach [spiritual things] and admonish and train one another with all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus [and in dependence on Him], giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
· We declare that justice now flows across Colorado like a river. For the unborn. For those who are oppressed. For children who are being taught ungodly things.
· Let there be a flow of Your Word across Colorado….let it be read in abundance in every household and cut to the heart of every person drawing all to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
· We decree the 16 Daniel 5 decrees from Tim Sheets.
· We decree that all of Colorado shall be saved.
· Let Your Ecclesia burn with Your Holy Fire Lord God and let many come watch us burn and be drawn to Jesus themselves.
· Let not one in Colorado miss hearing the Word of the Lord.
· Let every person’s heart be prepared to receive the Word of the Lord.
· We ask Lord for grace when Your Word provokes anger and violence in others….guide us Lord in righteous response.
· Let Your Word stretch each person in Colorado to flow in the fullness of their giftings and callings.
· We declare the finality of God’s Word over Colorado.
· We thank You Lord that You fill our mouths with Your response to each person who is provoked by The Word.
The Warrior’s Dying to Self
A Declaration of Faith
If you are serious about having the mind of Christ and submitting fully to the Will of God, then submit everything to the Lord and make the following declarations over yourself.
John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
Lord God, I choose now to come into perfect alignment with the Holy Spirit of God. I command my Spirit Man to be in submission to, and alignment with, Holy Spirit, my soul to be in submission to and in alignment with, my Spirit Man and my body to be in submission to, and in alignment with, my soul.
I surrender to the Lord God Almighty, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ…. my will, mind, emotions, my body, and my future plans, hopes and dreams. I give You my home, my relationships, my marriage, my children, my geographical location, my recreation and entertainment, my career/business and my ministry. I surrender to You my past successes and failures, my habits, my finances, my problems, my time, my integrity and character, my attitudes, my business conduct and relationships, my Christian walk and my response to authority.
Lord, I further surrender to You the following “rights”:
· My right to possessions
· My right to a good reputation
· My right to be accepted
· My right to be successful
· My right to have pleasant circumstances
· My right to presume the will of God
· My right to life itself
· My right to beauty or strength
· My right to have friendships
· My right to be heard
· My right to take offense at anything
· My right to avoid reaping from what I sow
· My right to be right
· My right to see results
· My right to _________________
· My right to _________________
In this perfect submission, surrender and alignment, I choose now to completely decrease that the Holy Spirit now permeates and saturates my entire being.
I choose now to no longer take offense if I am forgotten, neglected or ignored – I operate in Christ’s perfect peace.
I refuse to respond in anger or defense if my good is spoken of as evil, my wishes are crossed or my opinion is ridiculed – I have the patience of Christ Jesus
I choose now to lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, irregularity, annoyance, waste, folly, extravagance, or spiritual insensibility enduring it all as Jesus did.
I choose now to be content with any food, clothing, offering, climate, society, solitude and any interruptions by the will of God knowing that He is in complete control of my life.
I choose to rejoice when I see my sister or brother prosper as their needs are met with no envy no matter how great my own needs may be.
I choose to humbly receive correction and reproof from anyone with no rebellion or resentment.
I purpose now to never refer to my accomplishments in conversation or record my own good works or want accolades - living to truly be part of the nameless, faceless One New Man.
I thank You Lord God for completing this transformational work in me that I am now
filled with Your glory so that You can complete Your will for my life. I give You
permission to do anything you wish to me, with me, in me or through me. I willingly
make this commitment and covenant with only You Lord Jesus as my Savior and
God. I acknowledge that this is an agreement with You that can never be broken
now that I have surrendered all to you, I purpose to never take it back. Amen.
I acknowledge and accept this covenant as evidenced by my signature below.