Let us lift up the prayer team for Fields of Harvest for Education and its leader, Dr. Mathew Neal. For believers, education is quickly becoming a choice between private education or home schooling. Public education is becoming a platform for political indoctrination. College education is becoming even worse.
Abba Father
We gather to stand with the prayer team for Fields of Harvest for Education. Father, please guide Dr. Mathew Neal as he leads this team forward. We ask that You lead him forward, give him vision to untangle the agendas in Colorado education.
This team needs effective prayers to restore righteous purpose in all levels of education in this state. Father, we ask that believers will have effective and affordable means to educate themselves and their families. We ask for Your strategies and revelations to prepare believers to be leaders in society and the marketplace. Father, use this team to move Your plans forward.
We pray this in Yahshua's name