Hello everyone! This is a reminder to you all of our Elbert County Prayer Call on THURSDAY morning, May 20 (TOMORROW) from 7 am to 8 am!
Prayer Call Info
Date: 3rd Thursday 7am - 8am
Conference Call Info:
(425) 436-6315
Access Code: 5531736
Prayer points as of now:
1. Our Commissioners – - as they meet to discuss formalizing doing away with the Mask Mandate for Elbert County.
2. Our Sheriff Tim Norton –We pray for sheriff dept for more new, qualified and called deputies. We pray for their protection! We pray also for all first responders, fire department, EMTs, etc., for their safety, protection, and that through their work, they will be a witness of Your love to all they meet and deal with. We pray for wisdom for all.
3. Elizabeth School District and students, and ALL Elbert County students – Pray for each student for a successful finish to this school year (today is last day of school). Pray for teachers, parents and board members, that they have a time of refreshing, and a time of guidance and discernment for the next school year.
Pray for school board elections – that godly people are elected and that the Elizabeth School board, as well as other school district boards in Elbert, are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
That the Elizabeth School Board mission statement: “Mission Statement: To provide our students with excellent and diverse learning opportunities that inspire a passion for learning, develops individual potential and prepares them for a successful future.” Is fulfilled according to God’s plan.
4. Pray for our State and National representatives also for wisdom and clarity and boldness as they represent our interests:
a. Senators John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennett. Pray for the especially as there is very concerning legislation hitting their agendas for votes soon.
b. Congressman Ken Buck, that he continues to vote for conservative values in the House of Representatives. Pray for his re-election campaign for 2022.
c. Governor Jared Polis
d. Colorado State Senator Jerry Sonnenberg
Pray that the Holy Spirit provides discernment for all of our Colorado legislators regarding consideration of the bill on Local Regulation Of Firearms
e. Colorado Representative Richard Holtorf –
f. Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold
g. Colorado Attorney General Phil Weisner
h. Kristi Burton Brown, as our new Colorado GOP Chairperson
i. For ALL OTHER Federal and State representatives, regardless of whether they represent our district or not, that they will all be led by the Holy Spirit in their votes and will vote in favor of biblical values and constitutional rights for US citizens.
5. For our Elbert County churches to be strong and persistent in lifting up prayer and in bringing about revival! AND REFORMATION
6. Praise for very successful National Day of Prayer!
7. FOR ELBERT COUNTY FAMILIES! For the protection of Psalm 91 over all of our families. Pray for return to Biblical family – for strengthening in faith, in yearning for You, Lord, and for protection,