03-04-24 Morgan County Prayer Call
On the call: DJ Barrett, Lyn Deal, Donna Reyman, and Kathy Zwetzig
Praise to the Lord of Hosts, Praise to the Lord of all of creation!
Psalm 9: 1&2 AMP. “I will give thanks and praise the Lord, with all my heart; I will tell aloud all Your wonders and marvelous deeds. I will rejoice and exult in you; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. “
Alleluia! You are greatly to be praised! Jesus, Your suffering, agony, and humility is an example for us to pass through the fire to the mountain top. We can walk through life with our suffering. You are our example. Your sacrifice of going to the cross and resurrected by the Holy Spirt 3 days later leaves us speechless with overwhelming gratitude. Alleluia! Victory in Jesus!!!
Thank You, Father, for the Word of God, the Bible. Your word documents the life of Christ by eyewitnesses. There can be no dispute.
Elections and our Government
· We pray for honest elections. Lord, keep integrity and truth in the elections in Morgan County and Colorado. We cast down and bind any interference by the enemy in the election process in the mighty Name of Jesus!
· We declare truth and righteousness will prevail in our elections!
· We bless our representatives and senators who stand on the Truth of God’s Word as they speak and war for our cities, our county, and the state. Guide them, Lord, to war over righteous laws, righteous resolutions, individual concerns, and community issues important to the people of God and all Coloradans.
· We thank You, Lord God, for releasing Your Holy Spirit in power and might to snap every Jesus-believing Colorado Church into alignment with God’s will on Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matt 6:10)
· This is the Easter season. Lord, we ask the entire month of March leading up to Easter Sunday will prepare people to hear the gospel of Christ. Lord, compel people to come to the places of worship. We ask, Father, You will touch them with Your love.
· We ask for blessings for the families in Morgan County. Lord, bring the children to the churches for special activities prepared for them. Have the children bring in their parents, too!
· We declare that every pastor, reverend and priest in Morgan County and across Colorado now awakens to the Truth of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords over their lives and over all of Morgan County and Colorado. (1Tim 6:15
· Lord, we ask that You now awaken and engage more parents with hearts to raise up their children in the way they should go, and You would give them the courage to be obedient to Your will for their children. (Proverbs 22:6, Deut. 6:4-9 and Psalm 78:5-8)
· Lord God Almighty, we pray that You put into place good, just, merciful, and God-fearing leaders over our Colorado schools, that our students, families, and communities would now have peace.
· We pray that the Lord would give new strategies to organizations to strengthen the family and be as effective as possible in Morgan County and the state of Colorado. We pray for Pam Hernandez and her organization, Rising Up. There are testimonies of her organization’s amazing work.
· We pray for the volunteers who are giving their time to help with Rising Up and other organizations. We thank you, Lord, for the churches, organizations, and individuals who are giving material, food, and other things to help those less fortunate.
· As we grieve over the loss of innocent lives, we humbly ask for forgiveness, Lord God, for allowing them to be taken and we ask that Your name be glorified through us as we choose to give You glory, honor and praise in our efforts to stand for life and be a voice for the vulnerable. (2 Cor 12:9)
· Lord, there are still people who are not going into the work force who are able to work. This fact puts strain on families, businesses, and organizations in Morgan County. Lord, you know the reasons why. For those who are able, bring them back to work.
First Responders
· Morgan County needs more nurses and medical personnel. Lord, create circumstances for those with the desire to train to become medical personnel.
· Help every believing First Responder to always go forth rejoicing in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
· Thank You, Lord, for Chief of Police, Loren Sharp. He has created a Police Accountability Committee with ten members from diverse areas. Lord, thank You for Your Mighty Hand!
We pray for Pat (usually on this call) and her daughter, Melissa. Both are working the election today.
Lord, help the family of Vianka. Bring healing to her mother. Also, help her dad. Be with Vianka as she is helping her family and working but also is a soccer mom who is incredibly involved to help the kids.
Let our faith arise in this season as we celebrate Your sacrifice on the cross. Oh God, have mercy on us as we take the steps in our lives attempting to follow Your example. All praise and glory to You! Amen.