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Morgan Civic Prayer Team

Public·7 members

07-01-24 Morgan County Prayer Call Notes

On the call: DJ Barrett, Lyn Deal, Donna Reyman, Pat Shriver, and Kathy Zwetzig

Praise the Lord! Psalm 89:13-18 AMP. “You have a strong arm; Mighty is Your hand, Your right hand is exalted. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; lovingkindness and truth go before You. Blessed and happy are the people who know the joyful sound [of the trumpet’s blast]! They walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance! In Your name they rejoice all the day. And in Your righteousness they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength [their proud adornment]., and by Your favor our horn is exalted. For our shield belongs to the Lord, and our king to the Holy One of Israel.”

Ø  Prayers for a successful wheat harvest as it begins. Lord, protect the workers in the fields. Thank You for the plentiful sunshine and rain; and, protecting the crops in the fields in Morgan County.

Ø  Call us into our rest, Father. You are a loving Father giving us Your wisdom and love. Draw us to Your well of living water and Your spiritual food.

Ø  Lord, we ask You to bless the activities happening this week and during the summer in Morgan County.

·        We thank You for the traditional Brush rodeo. Bring people together in love and laughter. Lord, keep all the participants safe.

·        The 4th of July activities are also a tradition. We ask You would keep these activities safe as the participants and families are enjoying them.

·        Bobstock Music Festival the second weekend in July. Lord, bring families and people together for this event. Churches will be giving out free water and sharing Your love with others. Lord, we ask for divine appointments to take place. Lord, bring Your healing and refreshing to people during this time.

Ø  Lord, we pray for the first responders in Morgan County. Lord, give the police and sheriff and those watching for crime activity in Morgan County discernment as to a potential crime. We ask for supernatural wisdom and discernment for First Responders as they rescue those who are injured or need help in life-threatening situations. Lord, protect the land and structures against wildfires in Morgan County and all of Colorado we ask in Jesus’ Name! Protect all, Lord.

Ø  We pray for Your protection for those at risk for sexual predators and slavery. Oh God, remove the covering of darkness and expose it in Morgan County, Colorado, and our nation –we pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Ø  Our children are precious to the Lord and to us. Lord, we ask the message will go out about the churches who are offering activities and vacation bible schools during the summer. May the children invite their friends to come and to learn who Jesus is! We ask You would provide the resources and the volunteers, Lord.

Ø  We pray You will bless Vianka Vizcaino and her team as they work with kids and soccer. Recently, there were 150 kids and their parents at one of the events. Lord, bring in the resources for uniforms and other needs for this important activity for kids.

Ø  The World Refugee and Health Resource Fair in Ft. Morgan blesses many people. We ask the message show God’s love for the refugees. Shanna Doughty is helping the refugees. 

Ø  Lyn Deal offered the name of a book recommended by Sonny Weimer as helpful in communications with Muslims. “My Muslim Friends, An Invitation to Muslims and Christians to Take Another Look at Jesus.” by Peter Youngren.

Ø  We prayed for the health of those on this call. Lord, bring healing in each specific case. Lord, we praise You for Your natural healing powers You have given each person. Bring health and healing to those in hospitals and nursing homes. Bless them with Your spiritual strength as they prepare to meet You.

Ø  We declare that the hearts of the people of Morgan County are now healed and set free from busyness allowing us to focus on bringing in the harvest for God’s Kingdom. We ask for a revival in Morgan County and Colorado! Let Your Church be salt and light! Amen.




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